Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Hunter and The Bruised!

Whyalla update:

Last (last) Saturday Stuart went out fishing at 4am with the other Assistant Principal. And the hunter not only caught a fish, but he cleaned it and then cooked it for his family for tea.

Also, last Sunday night I lead worship and was playing tambourine for one song. This is what my leg looked liked after the service!!!

I hope that you are all well. Big hugs and kisses to you all.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

My First Kindy Morning

Hi all, Jacob had a great morning on Monday at his "New School". We even caught the bus back home, all 3 stops which is a long way for a 3 1/2 year old (he did have to walk almost the same distance from Kindy to the Bus stop then the Bus stop to home and it was 30 degrees).

He didn't want his photo taken before he left though :-( and soon asked for his bag to be taken off his back.

Friday, February 01, 2008

The new year begins - officially

Hello all. Thought it was time I put something here. Calvin's first full week of kindy seems to have gone better than I expected and he is starting to make friends which is nice. He is quite proud of his new kindy top (as you can see).
The other photos are just cute. Calvin decided today that his friends Sheepy and Monkey should dress up with him and capture bad guys.

Natalie seems to have settled back into school well. She has spelling homework as well as her normal reading homework now, but has got back into the routine quickly. She will start ballet again next week and I'm very pleased that she has gone up a class so we won't have to rush from school any more.

Stuart ... I probably can't really speak on his behalf, but I think that things are going pretty well and he hasn't encountered any dramas yet.

I have managed to fill up my Calvin free mornings, but hope to get into some sort of routine in the next few weeks. A shoulder injury is putting doubts on my plans to study video editing in more depth. Extended time on the computer leaves me rather immobile in in right shoulder and rather painful. But we will be investigating some ways around that.

Hope that you are all well and having a good start to the year.

Love and Hugs, -Debbie

(PS I just found this very cute Rooster in the back yard, which I thought I should share, not to mention the flash of Pink who zoomed past me)