Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Saturday, January 03, 2009

New Cubby!

Thanks to a nice family on Freecycle the boys were given a Cubby House - and they love it!

First Fruits - Last Stew

On the 17th Dec 08 we picked the first crop of Apricots and on the 31st Dec we stewed the last lot. We have 9 litres in the freezer and thanks to Nanna for stewing the other 2 boxes!

It was a very good crop considering the good prunning I gave it.

What blessing!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Wow a Trampoline

The moment we opened the back door to 'unwrap' the trampoline.
Big thanks to the Funny Farm, Uncle Mark and Nanna and Papa.

Also to Natalie and Calvin for keeping the secret