Thursday, November 19, 2009

A very quiet blog

Well it seems things have slowed down a bit on the blog site, guess everybody's Facebookn' (except me!). I have found a great way to update simply be emailing! You can use Posterous to update this blog and many other social networking sites, even attached images. mp3 and video. I'll be using my Posterous blog a bit more so I'll probably update both with news from Al and the Brock family.

Hot Hot Dam Hot!

Well it's 40 degress on the back deck but thankfully 26 inside!

Posted via email from Al's Blogging Blog

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Ubuntu's Good

So yep my Windows got a very bad virus - my fault, so during
reinstalling I thought I'd have a look at the new Ubuntu version and
discovered that I could install and uninstall this under windows with a
change to the boot menu. So cool cause I always wanted to have a linux
distr to play with and this version of Ubuntu is great. Have used a few
live CD's before but a dual boot that I can do through Windows -

Posted via email from Al's Blogging Blog