Sat 23rd folk in Motel room next to us left at 5.30am, and once we were awake, figured we could get going early too! Had to wait for petrol station to open, but got away from West Wyalong by 7am, and as we left the town saw signpost saying "Adelaide 9hundred n something ks" .... Dad said "only 900 whatever ks to Adelaide!" I said but we're not going to Adelaide .... but of course, as you know, we were early enough - so we did! Had half an hour home, to unload the car, and pack clothes for Dad's meeting, then sent Heth a SMS from TB saying something like "At Tailem Bend. Shall we bring pizza for all of us, or just us?" They were a bit surprised, but we certainly enjoyed catching up with the little boys again, and it was a real bonus having Michael there overnight too!! We were pretty weary on Sunday - our 950ks the day before caught up with us! But it was good to see Grandad and Rob Cherie and Michael for lunch, too! After they all left Heth and Dad and the boys and I walked up and visited Mum and Isabelle, and Dad and I both found that very hard this time ... guess we were both tired, but both got teary again .... you just never know when things are gonna catch up! Jacob's very sweet "bye bye Bret Brumma" and "bye bye Baby Bell" were very beautiful but ...! I think about how much Mum would just adore all our beautiful precious babies, and also how we should all be enjoying a sweet little girl - buying little pink clothes and watching her grow and smile and respond ... and it's just not happening! NOT FAIR!
Monday Dad went to his meeting - his last PRC, as he's on as the rep for our Network, and he won't be in that Network next year! Jacob went to Care and Heth Sam and I went to Castle Plaza and had a lovely day - even found some clothes that were just what we were looking for, so were very pleased about that! Dad and i came home by 7.30, and Dad installed the new modem for our computers, so we didn't have to use dial-up any more - thank goodness! (Thanks Al!) I started sorting, tidying, putting away gear from our holiday, and that took me basically until Friday! I did a few other things, tho, as well - Tuesday I had another lovely day, this time at Barmera for a riverland quilters get together - saw some old friends, and some beautiful quilts, and enjoyed catching up with our girls, too.
Dad managed to find some photos to enter in the Show, and we took Rob and Cherie's entries in, as well as some quilts - what a surprise! Thank you Rob n Cherie for the delicious dinner Saturday night for my birthday - that was very yummy and much appreciated! Yesterday we all went along to the Show after church, and congratualtions to Cherie on her beautiful rose photo! .. and to Rob for his lavender!! Their flower photos, and sunsets were all particularly good, i thought! I was pretty chuffed too - I got a first for that Celtic wall-hanging that hung above Granny's fridge for 12 years, and Dad said "I should have got half of that!" .... where have we heard that before??! He did indeed stitch one of the celtic knots, and I'm quite happy to share my prize money with him, altho I DID sew it all together and hand quilt it!! But that's OK! I got a second for a bag I made Granny years ago, and a first for the "Friendship Medallion" quilt that I finished this year - and it also got a trophy for most outstanding article in that section! So how bout that??! I'm intending to give it to a friend, so will be nice to give her a prize-winning quilt!
Well that's the end of our holiday ... and now we're looking forward to having a few days with Debbie Stu Natalie and Calvin, who are arriving in time for tea! It will be beaut to have some time with them/you! I suspect my Blog-ging will take a break for a while ... not so much to tell!
Love you all! Mum