Hey there,
Just a heads up that I will be resuming using my msn spaces account for my blogging from now on. I will also post updates that have been happening around our world. Rob and Michael will no doubt still use this blog.
Here is a link for you (especially you Mum, make sure dad puts a link on your desktop so that you can view it easily, if not I will set one up when I come over next, or add it to your favourites - oh thats for my Mum by the way!)
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
The List
Well over the summer Uni break (which I have one week left cause I'm starting early) I had a long list of jobs to do. Two major ones was to move the garden shed which also involved laying a slab of concrete (thought that would be a good idea but...) and with the shed moved cut and stack the pile of wood.
Shed: sweat easily and it was As you may have noticed on Christmas day, for those who were here - it was moved! Although a tip for people laying concrete on a hot day is to read the instructions first. As I tent to degrees when I was flatening it, I didn't do the greatest of jobs, so the slab isn't quite level and has some air bubbles/gaps within the slab. Also as we went away soon after I didn't cure it properly so the water dried out thus leaving those bubbles etc.
Oh well things about 28your learn! Lucky it's just the garden shed and not the granny flat (opps sorry Nanna's!).

Wood: Yep so now there is er was a space were the shed was and now....after some early cool mornings, help from Jacob and some daylight savings we have a nice lot of stacked wood.
Wood: Yep so now there is er was a space were the shed was and now....after some early cool mornings, help from Jacob and some daylight savings we have a nice lot of stacked wood.
After speaking to some people at church yesterday who had some issues with their child and going to sleep, we thought we'd give it ago - that is to re-train Jacob. As most of you know we have been sitting in with Jacob when we first put him to bed until he is asleep and we can 'escape' and when we wakes at night.
Last night after sitting with him for a while I explained that he was a big boy now and didn't need mum or dad to stay with him until he went to sleep (i.e. sit on couch). I suggested that I put on the radio and he listen to that. He agreed so on went the radio and out of the room I went....Jacob fell asleep.
He woke once during the night so I did the same thing - told him he was a big boy put on the radio gave him a kiss and a goodnight. All was well and he slept until 8am Yeh!!!
TONIGHT: Well once yoiu change a habit (if it's a good one) then stick with it. So we did the same thing we had to close the door twice and we had tears but he got the message and the door stayed open, radio on, Jacob went to sleep without Dad.
The down side was that with Jacob's tears and screams poor same couldn't get to sleep so he was very confused but as it didn't last long (20-30 min), Sam soon went to sleep also. Short pain for long term gain - we hope
Hopefully tonight will be a good night.
UPDATE" Yep it was, Jacob slept right through until 6.30am! Yeh but I didn't slep that well.
Last night after sitting with him for a while I explained that he was a big boy now and didn't need mum or dad to stay with him until he went to sleep (i.e. sit on couch). I suggested that I put on the radio and he listen to that. He agreed so on went the radio and out of the room I went....Jacob fell asleep.
He woke once during the night so I did the same thing - told him he was a big boy put on the radio gave him a kiss and a goodnight. All was well and he slept until 8am Yeh!!!
TONIGHT: Well once yoiu change a habit (if it's a good one) then stick with it. So we did the same thing we had to close the door twice and we had tears but he got the message and the door stayed open, radio on, Jacob went to sleep without Dad.
The down side was that with Jacob's tears and screams poor same couldn't get to sleep so he was very confused but as it didn't last long (20-30 min), Sam soon went to sleep also. Short pain for long term gain - we hope
Hopefully tonight will be a good night.
UPDATE" Yep it was, Jacob slept right through until 6.30am! Yeh but I didn't slep that well.
Bother (bloggin)
Well most others blog more than I do but are people still using their old blogger accounts when commenting or adding new posts. If so try logging in with your Google account. I know it say's you can do both but maybe Google logins are working better with the new blogger.
Although it is a computer application :-)
Although it is a computer application :-)
Australia Day!
Rob and Michael are now at Murray Bridge again as the Speedway is on there tonight. They have gone with Aidian (Michael's best friend), and his dad Rob. I am enjoying some nice peace and quiet after scrubbing my house all day long :)
Have a great evening everyone, and hope you are doing ok Deb.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
A good night's Sleep
Well before we start another night, just a quite blog to say Jacob slept right through they night last night. This is the first time since before Christmas. I was very happy cause it meant I also slept all night :-)
Unfortunately for Heth, Sam woke around 4am :-(
Unfortunately for Heth, Sam woke around 4am :-(
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Challenge taken - by Rob!
Hey there,
Well here is Rob's attempt at taking photos of the comet, and I think considering he used my cheapie camera, that it turned out pretty good :)
We didnt actually know that there was the comet viewing last night, I happened to look outside to check that the house that was on fire a few streets down was extinguished, I then saw the comet, and we ran outside to have a look.
The photos were taken using the night mode on the camera, and Rob did use a tripod for balance. He also got some very cool shots of the moon and stars also :)
We tried to wake up Michael so that he could see it also (was around 9.30pm), but he was very out of it.
What a lovely little man...
Tuesday night after tea Jacob spent quite a while putting things from the shelf in the dining room into the bag to take to NannaPapa's house... I'm talking everything from the 4 shelves he can reach (all the candles and wooden things and footballs and other bits n pieces). I explained that we weren't going there for a while but he had to do it now and was having such a lovely time. He then got the coloured fabric out of a plastic bag and was trying to wrap it around himself - 'dress up like Natalie'. Very cute!
Last night he even went to sleep without one of us sitting on the couch! He was very tired, and we weren't quite so successful tonight (a bit unfortunate, cos he screamed the house down and very much disturbed his very tired little brother who wanted to sleep!) but we got there in the end. Hooray!
PS - Debbie we miss you! Hope blogger can sort itself out so you can blog here again :)
Last night he even went to sleep without one of us sitting on the couch! He was very tired, and we weren't quite so successful tonight (a bit unfortunate, cos he screamed the house down and very much disturbed his very tired little brother who wanted to sleep!) but we got there in the end. Hooray!
PS - Debbie we miss you! Hope blogger can sort itself out so you can blog here again :)
The Comet
Monday, January 22, 2007
Morning All!
Thought I should just report in, on yesterday .... what a HUGE day! Dad was a tad anxious, but didn't need to be ... his old teacher Pip (now Cong Sec) gave him a 12 out of 10 for the First Sermon - which of course now puts the pressure on to keep that high standard! But it WAS a good service, and good chats afterwards! Then we went to lunch again, this time with about 20, including 5 Ministers ... 4 retired, some visiting! Back to church for a 50th wedding anniversary "open house" for Alan and Margie, and that was just lovely! Margie is Pip's sister, so he was MC, and there were some funny reminiscences, then Alan and Margie sang a song ... they've both been involved in Choral society things for years, and Alan has an excellent voice! It was a good way for us to get to know a bit more about them! We came home for about half an hour then went to a Church Together celebration in the big marquee. We were both stunned to be greeted warmly (very warmly - hugs n all!) by Rob and Maureen ... caught us a bit off guard! The service was very lively, energetic and pente, and afterwards there was just about a queue of people wanting to talk to us ... Rob Wyatt who knew me years ago and whose daughter is an old friend; a dear old lady who asked were we at Pt B, did Dad used to have hair, and did he remember marrying her and Ernest ... and we did! And she was quite overcome to meet us again, very chatty and really needed a cup of tea!! (Ernest died 5 years ago) ... and then there was Yvonne, who used to own an excellent quilt shop out at Highbury, moved here 6 months ago, and remembered us .... wow! We came home about 9, quite stunned ... and exhausted!
I'm anticipating all Sundays won't be quite like that! We're starting to get dates in the diaries ... so we really know we're here, and this is where we belong ... and it's good!
We're going to see Aunty Gwen this morning - and get BBQ cover, and sand! Love Mum
PS Hope things looking up for all of you .... especially Debbie and Sam!
I'm anticipating all Sundays won't be quite like that! We're starting to get dates in the diaries ... so we really know we're here, and this is where we belong ... and it's good!
We're going to see Aunty Gwen this morning - and get BBQ cover, and sand! Love Mum
PS Hope things looking up for all of you .... especially Debbie and Sam!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Poor Sam...
Sam's a bit crook! He's only really kept about 2 feeds down since 6:30 yesterday morning and has been doing ENORMOUS spews! Not quite so bad today (but he did sleep for 4 1/2 hours this arvo!) but yesterday we went through so many clothes... and you know how good this weather is for getting things dry...
So last night after not keeping anything down and not enough wet nappies, I thought I'd better get him checked out. He was still bright and chirpy and didn't appear to be miserable or too flat or anything, but I didn't want him to get dehydrated. I took him to Flinders and we didn't really have to wait too long, we were only there from 9 - 12 (and of course he was awake the whole time). He's ok and there wasn't really much they could tell me! Just one of those things, could be a virus or his teeth (make that tooth cos there's only 1), and keep an eye on him and get him checked out again if it goes on too long. Fun.
I'm very glad he's not been too upset with it. Today I was beyond exhausted and not functioning very well so I had lovely sleep this afternoon as well - still trying to catch up from our short nights away. Al & Jacob are ok (just tired too) and we all hope we all sleep a lot better tonight!
In other news, the dust bowl next door has turned into a mud bowl! Would be so much fun to go play in it :P They're working on the retaining wall and new fence (among other things) which is a very good thing... Al went out tonight to make sure what's left of our fence is still standing, and some of the concrete in the carport is collapsing! The water's eroded the dirt away so there's nothing to support it. He took some photos but I'm too tired to look at them now. Shall keep you informed!
So last night after not keeping anything down and not enough wet nappies, I thought I'd better get him checked out. He was still bright and chirpy and didn't appear to be miserable or too flat or anything, but I didn't want him to get dehydrated. I took him to Flinders and we didn't really have to wait too long, we were only there from 9 - 12 (and of course he was awake the whole time). He's ok and there wasn't really much they could tell me! Just one of those things, could be a virus or his teeth (make that tooth cos there's only 1), and keep an eye on him and get him checked out again if it goes on too long. Fun.
I'm very glad he's not been too upset with it. Today I was beyond exhausted and not functioning very well so I had lovely sleep this afternoon as well - still trying to catch up from our short nights away. Al & Jacob are ok (just tired too) and we all hope we all sleep a lot better tonight!
In other news, the dust bowl next door has turned into a mud bowl! Would be so much fun to go play in it :P They're working on the retaining wall and new fence (among other things) which is a very good thing... Al went out tonight to make sure what's left of our fence is still standing, and some of the concrete in the carport is collapsing! The water's eroded the dirt away so there's nothing to support it. He took some photos but I'm too tired to look at them now. Shall keep you informed!
How's things??
Hi Honeys all! I wonder how you're all doing?? ... I hope you're not flooded out, nor had any damage, Debbie n Stu, in the floods there! And I hope Sam is better today, Heth n Al .... I understand you getting him checked out, and I hope you've had a reasonable night after that!
And I hope you're all well n able to enjoy a good weekend, Cherie n Rob!!
Marg H visited yesterday, and hasn't changed .... she mentioned the swatting flies comment and we laughed .... but she doesn't seem to have learned much from it .... 16 years ago now I think! She took me to Ad for my Board meeting last night, and it rained VERY heavily on the way, and there was SO much traffic - lots with bikes on the back! Jill and John gave me a ride home, and it was very strange to drive into the town, with no street lights! Power went off just as Poirot was about to reveal whodunit, so Dad was a bit frustrated! Came back on about 10 past 12, just after I got home, but then off again 5 minutes later, until about 6am .... I'm glad it came back on, as we have no hot water/showers/shutters/garage door, with no power! Actually that's not quite true ... there is a manual over-ride on the garage door! Dad's gone to music practice at church this morning .... 9am Saturday is a bit different!
Hope you're all good, not mouldy, and all have a pleasant weekend! Love Mum
And I hope you're all well n able to enjoy a good weekend, Cherie n Rob!!
Marg H visited yesterday, and hasn't changed .... she mentioned the swatting flies comment and we laughed .... but she doesn't seem to have learned much from it .... 16 years ago now I think! She took me to Ad for my Board meeting last night, and it rained VERY heavily on the way, and there was SO much traffic - lots with bikes on the back! Jill and John gave me a ride home, and it was very strange to drive into the town, with no street lights! Power went off just as Poirot was about to reveal whodunit, so Dad was a bit frustrated! Came back on about 10 past 12, just after I got home, but then off again 5 minutes later, until about 6am .... I'm glad it came back on, as we have no hot water/showers/shutters/garage door, with no power! Actually that's not quite true ... there is a manual over-ride on the garage door! Dad's gone to music practice at church this morning .... 9am Saturday is a bit different!
Hope you're all good, not mouldy, and all have a pleasant weekend! Love Mum
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Hope it all went well!
Hey there,
Just wanted to drop a line and wish you guys all the best for the church service this evening. Sorry I didnt get on here earlier to wish you all the best, but I have some gastro bug, and came home early from work today ill :( Thankfully Dad was in the area, and had decided to finish working on site a little early so I got a ride home :)
Hope you all had fun together, and sorry we couldnt make it.
Just wanted to drop a line and wish you guys all the best for the church service this evening. Sorry I didnt get on here earlier to wish you all the best, but I have some gastro bug, and came home early from work today ill :( Thankfully Dad was in the area, and had decided to finish working on site a little early so I got a ride home :)
Hope you all had fun together, and sorry we couldnt make it.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Happy Birthday Calvin!!!
It's our turn to send Calvin BIG birthday greetings... Jacob enjoyed drawing you a picture the other day but this morning Sam just wanted to eat it so this was the best pic we could get! Anyway we are thinking of you lots today and are glad you are doing fun things. A pirate party sounds great! We can't wait to see you this week & we'll give you your pressie then. We love you lots! Love Jacob, Sam, Uncle Al & Aunty Heth
Yippeee!!! Calvin is 'Free!
Happy birthday me hearties!
Happy birthday me hearties!
May you have a wicked party!
Happy birthday me hearties!
Hope you have a fantastic day Calvin, wow you are certainly growing up! We have left your presents at Grandmas for you, as I dont think we will be lucky enough to see you and Mummy and Daddy and Natalie when you are down this week. But no matter you have a great time, and I will get Michael to post on here a little later on. He is about to go to a birthday party for his friend Bianca!
Aunty Cherie, Uncle Rob and Michael
Happy birthday me hearties!
May you have a wicked party!
Happy birthday me hearties!
Hope you have a fantastic day Calvin, wow you are certainly growing up! We have left your presents at Grandmas for you, as I dont think we will be lucky enough to see you and Mummy and Daddy and Natalie when you are down this week. But no matter you have a great time, and I will get Michael to post on here a little later on. He is about to go to a birthday party for his friend Bianca!
Aunty Cherie, Uncle Rob and Michael
Calvin's birthday
Cos Debbie is doing the updates, they are going to appear on the Cozens blog. (I think Blogger's transition from old to new isn't quite going as smooth as they would have hoped.)
Calvin said: Thanks for remembering my birthday, Nanna, Byee .
Calvin said: Thanks for remembering my birthday, Nanna, Byee .
Happy "Free" birthday Calvin!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday deeear Calvin, happy birthday to you! Hi Honey! We're thinking of you lots today and hope you have just the best super-fantastic day with lots of lovely celebrations and yummy food! .... and balloons of course! We hope you don't mind waiting until you come and see us, to get your presents ... I didn't get my act together quite enough to post them! It will be SO lovely to see you all in a few days time! Grampa adn I are going to church at Adare this morning, and we'll be able to sit together .... maybe the once and only time!! Have a luvverly day and travel safe and we'll see you soon! Love Nanna n Grampa XXXXXX
Friday, January 12, 2007
Hello Grunt (and everyone else) (from Debbie)
Just thought I'd better write here and let you know that I am reading and looking at the blogs, but for some reason it will not let me leave comments. Annoying!
Calvin and I did make it safely back yesterday, but I'm quite happy to not have to get in the car for a couple of days. Glad we went down. I think it was nice for Daniel to have something a bit different happen for his birthday. It has certainly made me very excited about Calvin's birthday (though we are still working out what we will do). I asked Calvin yesterday who he would like to celebrate his birthday with and (after I explained that it couldn't be Daniel) he told me very definitely that he wanted Tony, dressed as a pirate! Haven't broken the news to Tony yet, but we'll see what we can work out ;)
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Meet Grunt!
Rob would have posted this, but he is still out drooling over his new acquistion! I am sure he will keep you up to date of its first milestones, but I will start off by saying that we its now clocked over 100kms today! We took it for a little drive the length of the Expressway and then to Glenelg. Its now safely tucked up in bed (aka garage), and Rob is doing the kitchen, although I swear I hear the kitchen to garage door open and close every now and again ;)
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Another hot day, another bushfire...
As I am sure you have heard by now, there is a pretty sizeable bushfire buring in the Mt Bold/Kangarilla district. It started at around 6.30pm this evening, and this is how it looked from our house at around 7ish.
We have had a lot of fire trucks rushing past on Chandlers Hill Road this evening. Here is hoping it is under control soon.
I had a look at the CFS website, and it has burnt 1600 hectares since being reported at 6.30 this evening, guess those strong wings are not helping. There was another fire ignited at Prospect Hill (further south), so it doesnt look all that hopeful that it was 'accidental'.
What we've been doing while Mummy is away
Natalie: Hayden came over to visit me. We played princesses and doctors and kings. We had fun with the doctors toys. Then we did Mr Potato Head. That's all there is. Bye.
Stuart: Debbie left just after 7am this morning to go down to Adelaide to stay with a friend. (The friend moved down just before Christmas, and her husband has just gone on a mission trip to the Philippines, and after being broken into on the weekend, she isn't coping too well.) Debbie took Calvin, to help celebrate Bradley's birthday. The plan is that she will stay overnight and return by lunchtime tomorrow.
Stuart: Debbie left just after 7am this morning to go down to Adelaide to stay with a friend. (The friend moved down just before Christmas, and her husband has just gone on a mission trip to the Philippines, and after being broken into on the weekend, she isn't coping too well.) Debbie took Calvin, to help celebrate Bradley's birthday. The plan is that she will stay overnight and return by lunchtime tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Good morning from sunny Victor Harbor!
There's a lot I could tell you but dare say it may be a bit boring so I'll try to cut to the chase, so to speak! I appreciated your comment Rob that we may have heard enough about BOXing .... not wrong! We've made incredible progress tho, I reckon, with all boxes unpacked apart from in the study and sewing room and the pot plants .... but those plant ones will need to be done this morning to make room for our new stuff to be delivered .... we went to Mitre 10 yesterday, to buy a reject door for Dad to use for a desk (on 2 2 drawer filing cabinets, like in Loxton) and got just a little carried away! Today they will deliver our new BBQ, and our new patio heater, and our new outdoor setting of table and 6 chairs .... well I SAID we got carried away!! Oh and they'll bring the door, too! It was kinda fun! Before we went there I also bought a new very nice office chair to replace that dreadful old ripped red vinyl one, and I'm finding it very comfortable here at my computer! Dad decided to leave my old monitor in Ltn for the dump, and my new larger one is so much clearer .... I like it!!
Our new home here is lovely and we'll be very comfortable, once we get some more cupboards! There are lots of lovely bookshelves in the family room, and there are built ins wardrobes in spare rooms, and broom cupboard and linen press, but all only half the size of the ones we had!! And one of the glitches in our moving was that the wardrobe Dad wanted in his study for storing stuff wouldn't fit around the corner into the room! So he's now got the linen press that was my fabric cupbd and the bookshelf that was in the spare room! So I'm hoping we can go this morning and buy the linen press and bookshelf we saw in Victor Furniture yesterday, for my sewing room!
Anyway, that's enough for now! I'm anticipating that we'll have a barbie for tea next Wed, before the Induction Service ..... but dare say you'll hear more before then! It will be good to see you all down here soon!! By the way ..... it's occurred to me that Dad will be starting work Thursday, after the service Wed night, so if those of you who'll be staying wanted to come earlier rather than just Wed, that would be good!! Love you all! Mum
Our new home here is lovely and we'll be very comfortable, once we get some more cupboards! There are lots of lovely bookshelves in the family room, and there are built ins wardrobes in spare rooms, and broom cupboard and linen press, but all only half the size of the ones we had!! And one of the glitches in our moving was that the wardrobe Dad wanted in his study for storing stuff wouldn't fit around the corner into the room! So he's now got the linen press that was my fabric cupbd and the bookshelf that was in the spare room! So I'm hoping we can go this morning and buy the linen press and bookshelf we saw in Victor Furniture yesterday, for my sewing room!
Anyway, that's enough for now! I'm anticipating that we'll have a barbie for tea next Wed, before the Induction Service ..... but dare say you'll hear more before then! It will be good to see you all down here soon!! By the way ..... it's occurred to me that Dad will be starting work Thursday, after the service Wed night, so if those of you who'll be staying wanted to come earlier rather than just Wed, that would be good!! Love you all! Mum
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Rising up . . .
I got a few good punches in, but Dave clobbered my more than I clobbered him. I blame my parents - after all, they're responsible for my short stubby arms, aren't they?
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Goodbye from Loxton!
Hi All! Stu, if your ears have been burning, I make no apology - Dad 's just spent nearly an hour trying to sort out his new Blogger thingy and I've done a bit of muttering about folk who need to CHANGE things THIS WEEK! However, it seems to be actually allowing me in, and letting me type, so I might calm down in a while!
The computer's being packed up soon, so this is the last entry from here! We can see that we WILL be ready when the truck comes 7.30 tomorrow morning, and part of me can't wait to get going! I enjoyed my last walk here, this morning, and saw Mr Kangaroo at the Village, as well as something I've NEVER seen before ..... there were 6 kangaroos grazing across the river, and I stopped and watched them for quite a while .... it was about 20 to 7, beginning to warm up, and just beautiful and peaceful .... a very special memory for me!
This week I feel a bit as if I've been just sort of pottering .... picking up something and taking it somewhere else ... and putting things in boxes, surprise surprise! I was a bit startled that my pedometer told me I've done over 40,000 steps each of the last two days .... no wonder I'm grumpy, eh?! ... not sleeping much hasn't helped, either!
Anyway, i think Dad's nearly ready to pack this up, so I'll go! Hope you're all well and cool, and not too busy, and very forgiving, and we'll see you all soon - in another place!! Love Mum
PS ... we're gonna be without Broadband for a while as we should have given 7-10 days notice, instead of 3 ... dare say there'll be other things for us to do, and there's always Dial-up if we're desperate for a "fix"!!
The computer's being packed up soon, so this is the last entry from here! We can see that we WILL be ready when the truck comes 7.30 tomorrow morning, and part of me can't wait to get going! I enjoyed my last walk here, this morning, and saw Mr Kangaroo at the Village, as well as something I've NEVER seen before ..... there were 6 kangaroos grazing across the river, and I stopped and watched them for quite a while .... it was about 20 to 7, beginning to warm up, and just beautiful and peaceful .... a very special memory for me!
This week I feel a bit as if I've been just sort of pottering .... picking up something and taking it somewhere else ... and putting things in boxes, surprise surprise! I was a bit startled that my pedometer told me I've done over 40,000 steps each of the last two days .... no wonder I'm grumpy, eh?! ... not sleeping much hasn't helped, either!
Anyway, i think Dad's nearly ready to pack this up, so I'll go! Hope you're all well and cool, and not too busy, and very forgiving, and we'll see you all soon - in another place!! Love Mum
PS ... we're gonna be without Broadband for a while as we should have given 7-10 days notice, instead of 3 ... dare say there'll be other things for us to do, and there's always Dial-up if we're desperate for a "fix"!!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Now Cooler than ever!
We already knew that we were cool, but now we are even cooler with a working Air conditioner again. The guys just came and fixed it and just in time for the stinky hot weather on Thursday. Just thought we'd share that because we are VERY happy about it.
Hope that you are all keeping cool too.
Hope that you are all keeping cool too.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New year!

We just had a nice quiet night at home with my parents, and enjoyed watching the fireworks at midnight.
We actually had an extra special treat, as just after midnight whilst all of the fireworks were in full swing, a falling star went right over us, and yes it definately was one, and not a stray firework.
Sometimes the driveway makes it all worthwhile! ;)
I hope everyone had a safe and happy new year :)

Migrating to New Blogger
You will have noticed (when you log in) that you sometimes have the option of upgrading to New Blogger. (It doesn't appear everytime, because Blogger is staggering the migration.) It would be good if everyone can do this when they get a chance, because if I move the Blog over before people upgrade, then they won't be able to access the blog. I'd like to make this upgrade later in the week, so if you see the option to Switch - please take it up. Happy New Year, btw.
Happy New Year 2007

Here is a picture of Jo, Naomi, Nadine and Leonie celebrating the new year in style.
It has been lovely that the kids have been able to holiday in Orroroo with Grandma and Grandpa. Stuart and I haven't had quite the amount of rest and sleep that we may have hoped for, but we have been able to do lots of socialising which has been very lovely.
Hope that you were all able to bring in the new year with style and fun. And hope that you are not feeling to stress mum K and that you are feeling better dad K. Stuart has been checking the weather for Loxton vs Victor everyday and has concluded that Thurday will be a very good day to move south!
Love to you all and blessing for the year ahead of us.
Happy New Year!
Hi All! Hope you all enjoyed your NY Eve celebrations, and that you all have a healthy 2007, with wisdom to meet each new challenge!
Dad's packing the study, and keeps coming out with all sorts of "treasures" .... latest was the Waikerie "petition" from '98 .... my goodness! He's shredded lots of stuff! I've washed most of the kitchen cupboards, except for the two shelves that have the things we're still using, and I washed our woollen underlay this morning - and then it rained for the next 3 hours! But it's hanging out now, and the sun's out so it won't take long to dry! We chuckle at the weather forecast - Thurs is sposed to be 40* and thundery here, and 28* in Victor! Kinda funny really!
I have a feeling I shouldn't be sitting here .... there are probably lots of things I should be doing to make sure we really ARE ready when the truck comes early Thursday morning! By the way ....
Dad is fine! He went for his usual 10k run this morning! The little gash on his head is healing nicely, and the patches on his chest (that were shaved for the ECG monitors) are itching!! But he's OK! ..... which is kinda good! Love you all! Mum
Dad's packing the study, and keeps coming out with all sorts of "treasures" .... latest was the Waikerie "petition" from '98 .... my goodness! He's shredded lots of stuff! I've washed most of the kitchen cupboards, except for the two shelves that have the things we're still using, and I washed our woollen underlay this morning - and then it rained for the next 3 hours! But it's hanging out now, and the sun's out so it won't take long to dry! We chuckle at the weather forecast - Thurs is sposed to be 40* and thundery here, and 28* in Victor! Kinda funny really!
I have a feeling I shouldn't be sitting here .... there are probably lots of things I should be doing to make sure we really ARE ready when the truck comes early Thursday morning! By the way ....
Dad is fine! He went for his usual 10k run this morning! The little gash on his head is healing nicely, and the patches on his chest (that were shaved for the ECG monitors) are itching!! But he's OK! ..... which is kinda good! Love you all! Mum
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