First things. The kids have recovered from their injuries (picture of Natalie included). Natalie said this morning that it was like there was no sore there at all any more, so that's good (Natalie fell over at school and decided to stop her fall with her face rather than her hands! And Calvin had the door shut on his foot and slice open the back of his heel - LOTS of blood).
Last Tuesday we had playgroup at the beach where the kids enjoyed the animals and the ducks had to fight Calvin for the bread!
Okay, and on to my news. Because it had been a whole month I thought that I should go back and check that the hospital was still there. Yesterday morning (while thinking of all the jobs that I had to do to get ready for mum and dad's visit over to see Tony) Calvin was playing in bed and squished my tummy in such a way that I thought "mmm, that doesn't feel right, ohh I need to go to the loo". But then I proceeded to feel like I REALLY needed to go even though my bladder was empty. This was disturbingly uncomfortable enough for Stuart to start ringing around to find a Saturday Dr but then when I started weeing blood we decided to go straight up to the hospital. Stuart and the kids just dropped me off to go home and await mum and dad and I was examined and sent up to the High Dependency Unit because it was the only place in the hospital with a free bed. I was then put on a drip to 'flush' out my system, the thought being that the blood may be from an old infection/wound. This seemed to work and after spending from 10:30am until 5:30pmish hooked up to a drip I convinced the staff to let me go home (I was supposed to stay on the drip until 10:30pm and stay in over night but the thought of that was too much for me). So the drip worked and I'm still alive, so I guess that means that it was something simple. Feel a bit 'blaa' this morning and I have had to step down from playing guitar in church this morning, but I feel ok enough to try and make it to church with the family.
Wow, this worked - I'm so happy! (though I did have to steal Stuart log on to try and make it work)
Love and hugs, Debbie.