Also, threw in a couple of pictures of the kids because I could.
Monday, June 25, 2007
All about the LEGO (and some cute kids)
Also, threw in a couple of pictures of the kids because I could.
Al's Birthday and other things
Hello all, it's been a while since we've blogged here so thought we should!

We had a nice day yesterday. Sam slept through which was a great start and Jacob enjoyed helping daddy opening his pressies. We had lunch at Harbour Town after church then went to a friend's 1st Birthday party at The Beach House. The boys had a great time and Al and Jacob enjoyed a ride on the train (which went round and round as Jacob told us). Then it was back to church again and home again and that was the day!
On Friday we took the boys to Dorothy's Dance Party at Norwood (it was basically a Wiggles show without the Wiggles!). Sam had a great time but Jacob fell asleep on the way so we had to wake him up and he took quite a while to warm up to it. As we were leaving he waved at Dorothy and said 'I had a lovely time at your party Dorothy!' which made it all worthwhile! Very sweet.
We're enjoying Al's uni holidays. Jacob especially is, being such a Daddy's boy! The train set is getting a good work out and we're crossing a number of jobs off the list. Sam and I are looking forward to our holiday this week (actually I don't think Sam is too fussed at all!) and Jacob and Al will have a great bonding time here by themselves.
Ummm what else...?
The latest favourite fun thing to do is for Sam to push Jacob on his car. Jacob's pretty good at not going to fast so sam can keep up, and the turning around is improving, and they're both loving it! Sam is very quick cruising around the furniture and knees etc so don't think it will be long til he's really off. Eek! Rike & Peter don't know what they're in for! He is a happy fun little man :) and so is Jacob!
Think that might be about it for now. Nanny B arrives Thursday 12th July and we're gonna have Sam's party on Sunday 15th. Less than 3 weeks away! Crikey! She'll be here for 2 weeks so and then Al will be back at Uni and I spose I should go back to work and next thing we know it will be Christmas! Heheheheh....
(Al and I are enjoying our new phones too! 2mp camera on the phone is as good as our normal digital camera ;))
Much love to all!

We're enjoying Al's uni holidays. Jacob especially is, being such a Daddy's boy! The train set is getting a good work out and we're crossing a number of jobs off the list. Sam and I are looking forward to our holiday this week (actually I don't think Sam is too fussed at all!) and Jacob and Al will have a great bonding time here by themselves.
Ummm what else...?
The latest favourite fun thing to do is for Sam to push Jacob on his car. Jacob's pretty good at not going to fast so sam can keep up, and the turning around is improving, and they're both loving it! Sam is very quick cruising around the furniture and knees etc so don't think it will be long til he's really off. Eek! Rike & Peter don't know what they're in for! He is a happy fun little man :) and so is Jacob!
Think that might be about it for now. Nanny B arrives Thursday 12th July and we're gonna have Sam's party on Sunday 15th. Less than 3 weeks away! Crikey! She'll be here for 2 weeks so and then Al will be back at Uni and I spose I should go back to work and next thing we know it will be Christmas! Heheheheh....
(Al and I are enjoying our new phones too! 2mp camera on the phone is as good as our normal digital camera ;))
Much love to all!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Nearly July ... where's the year gone?!
I'm pleased the Blog will finally allow me to enter, at last! I've tried several times to comment and it insists I can't get in .... but I'm here now! Yesterday we went up and visited Granny, and were very pleased with how bright she is! She didn't know we were coming (Dad only decided late Wed) and was just so thrilled when she saw us there! She sends her love to everyone .... I'd love it if you could ring her and say g'day some time! She loves contact with you all! She'd enjoy hearing about footy, and skipping, and school and ballet and playgroup and everything that you're all doing! She now has a Patch each day for her angina medication, rather than just the spray under her tongue "as required", and that seems to be working well. She's a pretty incredible woman, and we're all very lucky to have her! (Don't forget her birthday 2/7/07!)
You kids all have some pretty amazing generous ancestors. I guess you realise Bella is 18 next week?? On Tuesday Grandad very kindly offered to pay for Heth and me (and Sam!) to go up for the party ...... how's that for spoiled??! We're very excited, and so are Rike and Peter and Bell!! We're going Jetstar, on Thursday morning (no flights available on Fri or Sat) and coming back Tuesday. As Heth said, it's all a bit surreal! We'd love to take you all with us, but that may be a bit awkward! The only fly in the ointment is that the party is to be at a Bar, and apparently there's NO WAY Sam will be allowed in!! I'm sure Heth and I can sort of "tag team" and walk him around outside or something .... it's only 2 1/2 hours of the total visit, but disappointing, since that's the very reason we're going!! But never mind! Grandad's pleased to be able to help some of the family visit, and he's sure giving a lot of joy, not only to Heth and me, but to Rike and Peter and Bell, as well!
Natalie I'm pleased you're having a good day skipping today (love the photos!); Michael, I hope footy goes well tomorrow; Calvin, I hope you're having fun .... is it Care today?? and Jacob and Sam, I hope you're having fun with Dorothy!
Love you all Nanna/Gramma/Mum
You kids all have some pretty amazing generous ancestors. I guess you realise Bella is 18 next week?? On Tuesday Grandad very kindly offered to pay for Heth and me (and Sam!) to go up for the party ...... how's that for spoiled??! We're very excited, and so are Rike and Peter and Bell!! We're going Jetstar, on Thursday morning (no flights available on Fri or Sat) and coming back Tuesday. As Heth said, it's all a bit surreal! We'd love to take you all with us, but that may be a bit awkward! The only fly in the ointment is that the party is to be at a Bar, and apparently there's NO WAY Sam will be allowed in!! I'm sure Heth and I can sort of "tag team" and walk him around outside or something .... it's only 2 1/2 hours of the total visit, but disappointing, since that's the very reason we're going!! But never mind! Grandad's pleased to be able to help some of the family visit, and he's sure giving a lot of joy, not only to Heth and me, but to Rike and Peter and Bell, as well!
Natalie I'm pleased you're having a good day skipping today (love the photos!); Michael, I hope footy goes well tomorrow; Calvin, I hope you're having fun .... is it Care today?? and Jacob and Sam, I hope you're having fun with Dorothy!
Love you all Nanna/Gramma/Mum
Natalie Jumps Rope for heart
This morning Calvin and I joined Natalie at school to watch a skipping demonstration and then see Natalie begin the many activities planned for the day. The whole school started with a health hustle and then each class moved to an activity. We stayed and watched Natalie do the first activity which involved running, jumping and crawling around an obstacle course. There were 12 other activities to do including elastics, sack races and of course skipping, skipping and more skipping. Was lovely and sunny (though the temp. when we left the school was still only 15 degs!).
Thank you for your support.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Natalie has something to say

Howdy folks, Natalie has a question to ask. "I think jumping rope will be great. Would you like to sponsor me? I think you might help me to raise money." She is participating in Jump Rope for Heart on Friday, and we thought we'd give you all an opportunity to support the work of the Heart Foundation by sponsoring her. If you would like to pledge a donation before Thursday night, we are happy to pay now and collect during the holidays.
Thank you.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Nice to get affirmation
I got an email this afternoon to tell me that I've won a place in HeadsUp21. This is a program run by DECS for aspiring leaders (more info at is quite hard to get into. I had to write a 4 page application which addressed a set of criteria, and they spoke to my Principal and asked him if I was the real deal, and then after that they offered me a place.
The program is desirable because it consists of a two day residential component at Whalers Inn (Victor Harbor), another day in August, and then another during November, all of which are fully funded by DECS. They also provide work shadowing opportunities with an experienced principal, as well as administering a 360 degree Leadership Feeback survey about me with people I work with. It's designed for potential future principals.
I applied a few weeks ago and have been waiting to here if I was successful. This means that I'll be in Victor Harbor on July 16 and 17.
I also preached for the first time, and the feedback from that was pretty good. If you're interested you can read my notes on our old blog. (The one listed in the links on the right as Deb and Stu's blog.)
The program is desirable because it consists of a two day residential component at Whalers Inn (Victor Harbor), another day in August, and then another during November, all of which are fully funded by DECS. They also provide work shadowing opportunities with an experienced principal, as well as administering a 360 degree Leadership Feeback survey about me with people I work with. It's designed for potential future principals.
I applied a few weeks ago and have been waiting to here if I was successful. This means that I'll be in Victor Harbor on July 16 and 17.
I also preached for the first time, and the feedback from that was pretty good. If you're interested you can read my notes on our old blog. (The one listed in the links on the right as Deb and Stu's blog.)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Another from the WMP collection
Thanks for the words of encouragement regarding the video. I guess the true test will be in how it is received on Sunday night as part of Stuart's sermon.
I'm actually a bit embarrassed about my first rather yr 9 looking attempt at anime, and so requested that Stuart upload by personal favorite video that I used in church about 2 years ago. It is a film that uses the Dandy Warhols song 'Mohammed' (yeah I know- slightly funny, but hey...) and United Live's 'More'. Because I was worship leading I used the video as part of the worship time (that means the slow song time for the non-pentecostal). Had a completely blacked out church (was a night service) - the effect was amazing. I then invited people to join in and sing along with 'more'. You can check it out at the following link, but I will warn you that the compression is being less that kind to it and so it is quite jumpy in places - bum bum bum. But it gives you an idea.
Yes, those of you who would like copies for your churches I can bring down a collection of reflective movies that I've used at Bethel over the years (I have another great 'newsy' one that is put to the Colin song 'The Lord is King.' That has been quite well received.
Love and hugs
I'm actually a bit embarrassed about my first rather yr 9 looking attempt at anime, and so requested that Stuart upload by personal favorite video that I used in church about 2 years ago. It is a film that uses the Dandy Warhols song 'Mohammed' (yeah I know- slightly funny, but hey...) and United Live's 'More'. Because I was worship leading I used the video as part of the worship time (that means the slow song time for the non-pentecostal). Had a completely blacked out church (was a night service) - the effect was amazing. I then invited people to join in and sing along with 'more'. You can check it out at the following link, but I will warn you that the compression is being less that kind to it and so it is quite jumpy in places - bum bum bum. But it gives you an idea.
Yes, those of you who would like copies for your churches I can bring down a collection of reflective movies that I've used at Bethel over the years (I have another great 'newsy' one that is put to the Colin song 'The Lord is King.' That has been quite well received.
Love and hugs
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Calvin's Haircut
Monday, June 04, 2007
Happy Birthday 'Pappa' from Jacob and Sam!
I'm sure today may not be quite as you had anticipated, but we hope you can enjoy your birthday. It was lovely to talk to you this morning and Jacob was very excited to wish you a Happy Birthday and show you the card they made for you... hasn't quite worked out that even though you can hear him you can't see him. Was very cute tho! We look forward to seeing you for dinner as well :)
Much love to you!
Love Jacob, Sam, Heth and Al
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Happy Valley clan update
Hey everyone,
Thanks for your well wishes for Michael's birthday. I will get him on here to post a thank you himself. We have been a little busy this weekend, and not really spent much time at the computers.
Firstly - a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Happy birthday to Debbie. Sorry its a little late! We have 2 cards here waiting to be sent up to you, so I will try and get on that this week - better late than never I guess! Also a big thank you to you guys for Michael's present, and cards, it was very special receiving so many, and even Kat remembered, she is one smart cat ;)
Secondly a biiiiiiiiiiiiig thank you to everyone what attended Michael's birthDAY. It was a long day with many locations, and many surprises, and he loved every bit of it. Thank you for being part of it and making it special for him :)
Update on us? Well we have been busy with evil work of course, and Michael has been progressing very well at school. He is in the top spelling group for his year, and is still getting 12/12 each week for his spelling tests. He is learning about transport, and in maths he is learning fractions and getting into division. Cant believe its happening already. He thinks nothing of spelling words like cauliflower, and its getting that soon I will be out shone by his ability in spelling (not a hard achievement!) Michael has also progressed well with football, and scored a point last week, and also one of the players of the match award.
Update on football. Well out of 5 games, we have had 3 wins and 2 losses, so the coach is on a good thing. With the last 2 games where we have won, the players on our team that have had to play for the other team to make up numbers, have scored their entire points against us! Our boys are doing very well, and the coach is certainly enjoying his role.
Update on health. Michael lost a tooth on Friday again. He has to go to the dentist on June 14 (day after Guns n Roses gig) for a filling also. Rob is doing well, and exercising more regularly and I think he is loosing weight a little. Then there is me, a few years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS - with is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Its a condition that basically is what it says - cysts on the ovaries, which can cause you to be infertile, and also messes up your hormone levels. I have had this condition pretty much since before conceiving Michael. Effects are weight gain, hormone imbalance, and then the bad things like infertility and diabeties, and heart disease, all things you really dont want. Michael of course came along, and surprised us all, and then thankfully things went ok for a while.
As you can see by looking at me, weight is an issue, and due to this and feeling not so flash I went to the docs to get a general update on the condition. He ran a glucose tolerance test a couple of weeks ago, and bingo I am out of whack. Basically in a nutshell I have contracted pre-diabeties due to having excessive amounts of insulin in my blood due to hormone imbalance. The cure? Well weight loss. The problem? PCOS causes weight gain and makes weight loss very difficult. The solution? Cut out fats and sugars for 6 weeks and see how my body responds. I was given these instructions on Tuesday, and on Tuesday night had a feast for Michael's birthday. From Wednesday I have stuck to a strict diet of minimal sugar and fat, and spending ages in the shops reading labels for sugar and fat content - did you know even weight watchers food is high in sugar to the point of insanity??? Since that time (4 days) I have dropped 2 kilos already :) The Dr's goal is 10kg in 6 months, so I am on track :)
Its very hard especially with the boys eating bacon today! But in the long run its good for me, and its allowing me a chance to avoid diabities type 2 for now, so it has its benefits. Its very hard when you are craving something sweet, and you dont like artificial sweeteners! Coke zero is quite nice, surprisingly! So wish me luck!
I have enjoyed seeing all of your piccies, and I hope this post finds everyone well :)
Thanks for your well wishes for Michael's birthday. I will get him on here to post a thank you himself. We have been a little busy this weekend, and not really spent much time at the computers.
Firstly - a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Happy birthday to Debbie. Sorry its a little late! We have 2 cards here waiting to be sent up to you, so I will try and get on that this week - better late than never I guess! Also a big thank you to you guys for Michael's present, and cards, it was very special receiving so many, and even Kat remembered, she is one smart cat ;)
Secondly a biiiiiiiiiiiiig thank you to everyone what attended Michael's birthDAY. It was a long day with many locations, and many surprises, and he loved every bit of it. Thank you for being part of it and making it special for him :)
Update on us? Well we have been busy with evil work of course, and Michael has been progressing very well at school. He is in the top spelling group for his year, and is still getting 12/12 each week for his spelling tests. He is learning about transport, and in maths he is learning fractions and getting into division. Cant believe its happening already. He thinks nothing of spelling words like cauliflower, and its getting that soon I will be out shone by his ability in spelling (not a hard achievement!) Michael has also progressed well with football, and scored a point last week, and also one of the players of the match award.
Update on football. Well out of 5 games, we have had 3 wins and 2 losses, so the coach is on a good thing. With the last 2 games where we have won, the players on our team that have had to play for the other team to make up numbers, have scored their entire points against us! Our boys are doing very well, and the coach is certainly enjoying his role.
Update on health. Michael lost a tooth on Friday again. He has to go to the dentist on June 14 (day after Guns n Roses gig) for a filling also. Rob is doing well, and exercising more regularly and I think he is loosing weight a little. Then there is me, a few years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS - with is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Its a condition that basically is what it says - cysts on the ovaries, which can cause you to be infertile, and also messes up your hormone levels. I have had this condition pretty much since before conceiving Michael. Effects are weight gain, hormone imbalance, and then the bad things like infertility and diabeties, and heart disease, all things you really dont want. Michael of course came along, and surprised us all, and then thankfully things went ok for a while.
As you can see by looking at me, weight is an issue, and due to this and feeling not so flash I went to the docs to get a general update on the condition. He ran a glucose tolerance test a couple of weeks ago, and bingo I am out of whack. Basically in a nutshell I have contracted pre-diabeties due to having excessive amounts of insulin in my blood due to hormone imbalance. The cure? Well weight loss. The problem? PCOS causes weight gain and makes weight loss very difficult. The solution? Cut out fats and sugars for 6 weeks and see how my body responds. I was given these instructions on Tuesday, and on Tuesday night had a feast for Michael's birthday. From Wednesday I have stuck to a strict diet of minimal sugar and fat, and spending ages in the shops reading labels for sugar and fat content - did you know even weight watchers food is high in sugar to the point of insanity??? Since that time (4 days) I have dropped 2 kilos already :) The Dr's goal is 10kg in 6 months, so I am on track :)
Its very hard especially with the boys eating bacon today! But in the long run its good for me, and its allowing me a chance to avoid diabities type 2 for now, so it has its benefits. Its very hard when you are craving something sweet, and you dont like artificial sweeteners! Coke zero is quite nice, surprisingly! So wish me luck!
I have enjoyed seeing all of your piccies, and I hope this post finds everyone well :)
Stuart the rock star
Please welcome on stage Whyalla's no. one bass player ... Stuart Kitto ... yahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaay!
Last night Stuart (all dressed in black) went and played bass for Dave Parker at a Youth group event at Bunyarra. Sadly someone had to stay home with the kiddies so I was unable to go, which is why there are no photos of Stuart in his 'rock god' pose. But I took this picture before he left and as you can see he looked very sharp.
On other news, Tony (our friend who always looks after our house when we are away) and Leonie (an old school friend of mine who also lives in Whyalla now) may have officially become engaged last week, but this week (ie. today) Stuart and I officially became their attendants. They haven't allocated specific roles yet (best man; groomsman; bridesmaid; M of honour etc), but I will get to wear a dress with two other women and Stuart gets to look sharp in a suit with two other guys on the 29th of Sept. So that is all exciting.
Hope that you are all going well (those of you who are unwell, I hope that you feel healthy soon).
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