I hope it slows down a bit!
By the way, happy birthday Calvin, I do hope you had a great day! We loved having you stay with us last week, and it was beaut having all the family visit on Saturday! That's one of the (many!) things we like about living here!
Having had various combinations of family and friends to stay, basically from Christmas eve until last Sunday, this week has been busy with work! We had a YMCA camp in from Mon until today, with 3 meals a day on site, for 72! I worked 8, 8, 12, 12 and 4 1/2 hours, and am a bit weary! But my, won't it be good on pay day?! Next YMCA camp comes in on Mon, same format, same leaders, different kids, and only 66 this time! But we've learned from this week, and are much more organised this time. We'll vary the menu a bit, and have worked out a HUGE shopping list that we plan to do first thing Mon morning, so hopefully we don't have to make so many emergency dashes to the shop! Helen and I have great fun together, altho it wasn't much fun when she cut her finger on the electric slicer and had to have 4 stitches in it Wednesday lunch time! It hasn't handicapped her too much - she can still give orders! (and sometimes I take them!)
Tomorrow I'm off to town for an all day Board meeting - 9-5! Dad's around at the church tonight for a Thai dinner, but I decided I needed some catch-up time, hence this entry - and the emails I fwded you all this afternoon! My Inbox is much more manageable now! I'm glad Grandad's gonna give Broadband a try - I've got some really big ones to send him!
Hope you're all doing OK - not working too hard, and all well, and all that!
Love you all!