Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Hunter and The Bruised!

Whyalla update:

Last (last) Saturday Stuart went out fishing at 4am with the other Assistant Principal. And the hunter not only caught a fish, but he cleaned it and then cooked it for his family for tea.

Also, last Sunday night I lead worship and was playing tambourine for one song. This is what my leg looked liked after the service!!!

I hope that you are all well. Big hugs and kisses to you all.


Heth said...

Wow very impressive on both parts! Glad the fish was good, and Deb maybe you need to invest in some cricket pads or a box or something for the tambourine playing (but lets not get too technical cos obviously that wouldn't quite work... you know what i mean!). Hope you're all doin well and can sneak a few rests, look forward to catching up soon! Much love xox

nannakaren said...

Yeah that sure is impressive ... both! Was the fish good, Stu?! Hope the bruise has healed now, Debbie, and you're getting some rests!
On the subject of impressive, I burned my arm at work the other day, on the inside, half way between elbow and armpit - a tender spot, but I got gel on it immediately and it hasn't been sore ... just looks speccie! Rest up! Love and hugs to all! Mum