Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Semester Break Over

Well the semester break is over and managed to write that 2500 essay on the integration of ICTs in the curriculum.

During the break had my Mum visit and we took a trip to Monarto - take a look at the slideshow.

So now it's back to Uni and time to get into the Web 2.0 tools hence this blog entry to demonstrate Posterous and the ability of the slideshow feature. All I did was attach my photos to this email, cool hey! I also thought I'd update our family blog http://kittsandbrocks.blogspot.com/ by including the email blog@posterous.com. All I had to do is to add it to my list of networks on my Posterous site. So in one email both blog sites are updated.

Posted via email from Al's Blogging Blog

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