Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Thank you very much Aunty Debbie, Uncle Stu, Natalie, Calvin and Isabelle for my yummy Easter egg you gave me... Mum and I enjoyed it very much thank you, I'm still dancing from it!
Lots of love from Pumpkin and I look forward to meeting you all very soon! (It'll be nice to be out, it's getting a bit squishy in here...)


nannakaren said...

Nanna just wishes to put on record that she had maybe half of one ear of said chocolate piggy .... I didn't want to deprive Pumpkin (and his/her Mummy!!) (and yes, it was very nice!!)

Heth said...

I certainly don't feel like i'm as big as i was with Spud but my fundal height thingy's been about the same so i guess I must be - of course I'm only 35 1/2 weeks and Spud was still in there til 41 weeks so more growing to do yet!