Sunday, July 02, 2006

life in Loxton

Well it's another Sunday morning, and Dad's gone around to church. As he was leaving I asked did he have breakfast - and he'd forgotten! It HAS been rather a hectic week plus for him! He had funerals Thurs last week, Tuesday adn Friday this week, (all in Renmark!) and a full day meeting in Adelaide on Monday, so we're glad there aren't too many weeks like that! Apparently he's hearing the old chestnut ..... "everyone" says he's "never here"! He hasn't been involved with Emmaus for two years! And his once a month service in Renmark IS only once a month! At last Church Council they apparently handed him a sort of Productivity Report to be completed and returned each month, detailing visits, people contacted about prayer meetings and Bible studies etc etc. Pity about privacy, confidentiality and all that! (and of course I realise he can give them numbers, but what's the point??!) I was interested that there's no column for how long he spends in prayer, or reading, or with his family ............... I'm beginning to wonder if maybe it's time we moved! But that's probably jumping the gun a bit!

This week I've finished the quilt for Pumpkin (if he's a boy .... if she's a girl Heth has other plans!), and I've just this morning finished writing the thank you notes to the folk who sent us cards flowers and so forth when Isabelle died .... another step in my grieving, I guess!
My good friend Kath is in Hospital here with pneumonia, so I've been visiting her a bit, too ... she's doing well now!

I probably better get a move on, or I'll be late!! I enjoy reading all your Blog entries and comments - so figured maybe I should do one too!! Love you all, Mum


Heth said...

I'm sure girl pumpkin would want a special starry quilt from nanna too ya know... ;)

Cherie said...

Seems like they are pushing KPI's into ministerial duties also. Welcome to the world of corporate! Somehow I dont imagine God sitting at some desk nutting out forecasts for prayer projections over the next financial term to appease shareholders! Seems a bit silly to me!