Well we're home again, both rather weary and I think a bit sad - and with a boot full of "stuff"! We must be demented, bringing home more things to sort out - and pack! But hey .. what's a few more boxes! We spent an hour or so with Granny and Grampa last night, and Granny's bright as a button! She loves it there, and has put on a bit of weight ... not a bad thing! Grampa is just SO deaf, he's very isolated, and frustrated, and grumpy and unhappy ... and he wishes he wasn't here! And there's not really anything to say to him on that subject ... he feels he's outlived his usefulness, and combined with the (necessary) loss of independence at C Bk, he's really had enough! Poor old darling!! We did get a grin from him before we left today, but there sure weren't many! We stayed with Maria and Andrew last night, which was good - Andrew talked at length about the whole situation with Mum and Dad - they've learned since Mum and Dad have been over there, that there were lots of things happening before they moved that really were worrying - like Mum following Dad when he went for his walk, then going off in a different direction! I think it was good for Andrew to let off steam! Maria and Andrew want to buy the house, so that makes things interesting! But I'm sure it'll all work out, hopefuly with no ill-feelings anywhere!
Elwyn had asked us to go in to the house this morning and sort through some things - they'd set up a box for each of the 5 kids, and Dad(Ian's)'s was full ... I think every photo we (and you!)'ve ever given them, books, and various other things! Dad also took photos of all the furniture, with numbers on, to email around so all 5 of the kids (not sure about the next generation!) can say what (if anything) they'd like, and if there's only one person who wants a thing that will make things easy!
We went through some cupboards and started a heap of things on a shelf, with a note "If no-one else wants these I'd love them", and we ended up with the shelf full - Granny's writings, and her diaries, some letters ..... Grampa's Mum's diaries .... and then we decided that we'd bring them all home and tell the others we've got them at the moment - but not necessarily to keep! There are still stacks of books there, as well as photos etc etc etc ... their original dinner set ... a few things in the china cabinet ... it all looks very sad and a bit bare ... just not right! We had lots of hugs, and some tears!
We went back and had lunch with Granny and Grampa, and we managed to get Grampa telling us the story of when the brumby Rasheed kicked him in the knee (1939 at Minnipa!), and that was good - was more like his old self then .... but he's just so deaf! Then Granny was telling him off for being negative and depressed ... as I said, all a bit sad! (His knee's crook too!)
Even tho he's very deaf, they both enjoy company (family rather than other residents!) so I encourage all of you to make the trip and visit them .... they'd love to see you all! If you book in you can eat with them, for $5 each, and they're very nice meals - and excellent value!
I should go - I'm not looking at boxes of "stuff" tonight - too much in one day!
Hope you're all well and happy! Love Mum (PS Their new phone works well and Grampa can hear OK with it!)