Monday, August 07, 2006


(Sorry bout all the posts from me today but Jacob's in care so I can actually get to the computer without needing to play Bob or Wiggles games!)

We're still trying to get Jacob to say 'Sam' instead of Fire (ya know, Fireman Sam)... attempts tend to go something like this:
me: 'Can you say Sam?' Jacob: 'Fire'
H: 'sssss' J: 'sssss'
H: 'ssssssandy' J: 'sssssandy'
H: 'ssssssam' J: 'sssssfire'
You get the idea!
The other day I said something about 'Sammy' and so Jacob's been calling him 'Firemy'. I guess we must be getting closer, and til then it's just cute! He sure loves his little brother :)

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