Friday, March 30, 2007

Bits n Pieces

Just a few things from us...
Jacob's very much looking forward to his birthday and party tomorrow. 'Its my berfday soon, I have free candles' etc etc, very cute. (I probably should do some of the many things I need to do between now and the party but it'll wait I guess.) He's got a bit of a cough at the moment but that doesn't seem to be slowing him down at all, and he is turning into a real chatterbox. He has certainly 'come out of his shell' in recent weeks and luckily for us is quite independent in the mornings when he gets up. He'll be happy to come out and put a video on and eat an apple that we leave out for him (like Father Christmas!) (or anything else he may find - one day it was dry weetbix, another day he'd grabbed the whole chunka loaf of bread and was chomping into it!). We're making the most of not needing to rush in the mornings.
The other night when i was feeding Sam he bit me and drew blood! I was not impressed, and he's done it a few other times since then. Makes feeding incredibly painful and horrible and I really hope he stops doing it! His teeth are very sharp. He's also not slowed down by much anymore as he's officially crawling! We're not quite sure exactly what we're in for now... Good fun I guess and he's generally happy to entertain himself with the toys in the corner, and now if Jacob takes toys away from him he can just go and find some more! Gonna be interesting I think...
Al's busy with an assignment at the moment, and I'm just busy with these 2 mobile boys. I think I should give up trying to achieve anything in the day!
Anyway just thought we'd say hello. Shall blog more after the party and the birthday I imagine. And now I REAlly need to go and do those things!
Much Love,
Heth :)

How Fair is Fair Trade?

I thought it was time for a new post, so I thought I'd share something I came across this morning in the New Scientist newsletter. They have a journalist exploring his global footprint, and this weeks article is focussed on the fairness of fair trade coffee. I figured we need some more action on this blog, so I've put it up. Any thoughts?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Planning for an anniversary that should be a bithday party.

Eleven months have passed since we had to say goodbye to our darling daughter and that has put us in mind of what we would like to do one month from now. Obviously we are not going to let this day pass without suitable recognition, and although our thoughts might change, we have come up with a few things we would like to happen. On Friday the 20th of April Stuart and I would like to be able to leave the kids somewhere and have the evening to go into the city alone. Then on Saturday the 21st we will take the kids (and whoever else would like to join us) to Isabelle's garden so that the kids can give the sight some birthday decoration (flowers, balloons, pinwheels etc). Stuart and I will also be buying a gift from the world's most useful catalogue (or whatever it is called) and we would like to encourage others who would like to mark the occasion to do similar. Any cards etc Stuart would like to collect and keep in Isabelle's treasure box.
After we have been to Isabelle's garden we are planning to take our kids to the zoo and invite anyone who is keen to join with us (this may be for a picnic lunch or it may be after depending on what is happening in the morning).

Monday, March 19, 2007

Friday, March 16, 2007

Worth a thousand words

I've just read Stuart's blog entry and it put me in mind of this fantastic photo I came across yesterday. Just thought I'd share.


I know that I have inherited a lot from my Grandpa. I know that a great deal of who I am has come from him.

I know that he has bequeathed me his passion. I know that the joy I find in argument comes directly from this man who gave me his name. There is no better way of working out what we think than sharpening ourselves upon each other, and Grandpa has helped to make me sharp.

At his feet I lay the blame for my stubbornness and baldness, and give him his dues for my broad grin.

All those years that I spent growing up, knowing that knowing stuff was important, and I never even realised that some people didn't care about ideas or education, until I started trying to teach other people's grandchildren.

I am most thankful for the legacy of faith that runs through his children, and down into my family, because through this legacy I know that we will meet again. I know that when we meet again he will be able to hear what I say. I know that when we meet again his skin will not be torn, his lungs will not be shallow, and that he won't be sore, or tired or frustrated. I know that we will meet again, and I know this because of the faith that he passed on to his children, which they passed on to me. For all this, I am very thankful.

I hope that I can leave an inheritance like this for my grandchildren.

I hope that I can encourage other people like Grandpa has encouraged me. I hope that when my Grandchildren organise an Eastercamp and want to use up all of the church's electricity I will remind those old biddys who complain that some things are important and some things aren't. I hope that I will still be interested in weird foreign newspapers when I am past 90. I hope that I will leave a legacy like he has left.

I hope I don't fall off of the church roof when I'm 80, though. I think that might hurt.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


We took Jacob down to Marion this arvo for coffee and cake oh hangon we had the coffee, Jacob had some cake (and a few sits in Thomas the Tank Engine) and a much needed haircut. He was quite happy to go to the 'special new shop' for a haircut. He was really tired (almost feel asleep driving there) and I think as a result he did extremely well at sitting still and tilting his head when asked.

He proudly showed everybody at church tonight and you can guess the comments that were made (mostly by the girls!). When he started to help packup he was handed a mic and then walked to the front of the stage and said 'new hair cut'...the mic wasn't plugged in though doh!! cute as :-)

Hope all is well.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Finally got some pics off the camera!

I know it's been a while and we've been slack but here we are now! Of course as I'm doing this I realise that we haven't got photos of the really important things... like our new car! (Had it for a month or so now so it's not really that new... but Jacob still calls it our 'special new car' - and everything else is special and new too like special new shop and special new nanna) And our new fence! (which went up yesterday and it's so nice to have some privacy in our back yard again! And it's a bit higher than the old one so that will take some getting used to... but it sure won't fall down!). One day we'll take some pics of those things and put here... maybe...

But anyway we're here now. Very pleased to report that Jacob's bedtime is sooooo much better than it used to be! It's been nearly 2 weeks now and he hardly makes a noise (apart from the night after mum commented how well the boys go to bed, and since then Sam's been upset and unsettled too!). He doesn't wake up during the night now either which is fantastic, and in the mornings he's generally happy to put his own dvds on and play in the lounge, and lately gets the breakfast cereal out and starts eating that (thankfully he can't open the fridge!). Can't believe it's only a month until he turns 3!

Sam's been pretty good too. He seems to be so close to crawling (which we are so not ready for!) and certainly moves round enough. The last few days he's decided 6:30 is a good time to wake up and start the day (we also aren't ready for!) but thankfully the day I was quite crook with tonsilitis he slept for over 2 1/2 hours in the morning and again in the afternoon so I could rest up too.

Al's back at Uni this week so we're getting used to another new routine. We're pretty stoked cos he got a High Distinction for the subject he did as an intensive! It was very basic computer stuff which he has trained people in himself so he'd wanna do well, but he didn't put much effort into any of it so was still pleasantly surprised. He's still busy with church stuff and video editing and other bits n pieces and life in general!

And me? I'm feeling much better than i was earlier this week - the antibiotics seem to be doing what they should and my tonsils aren't looking as horrid as they did. Jo & Luci & I have a regular once a month coffee date which is great! We went to Starbucks at the bay this week and I tried Luci's Chai Latte and I can see myself getting hooked. Yum. It's been a busy few weeks but things are settling down a bit now (I hope!).

Anyway... Think it's bedtime! MUCH love to you all and look forward to seeing you over the next few weeks!

Things are happening!

Hi Honeys! Wonder how you're enjoying Clipsal, Rob Cherie and Michael?? And I hope you're feeling MUCH better Debbie and that you're all keeping away from hospitals this week! And I hope your tonsillitis is all gone now Heth, and that the rest of you are well!
We're well, and busy as usual .... off to lunch today "Let's do Lunch", Chew Chin Chow tomorrow night and lunch at church Sunday, as Pinnaroo folk are visiting for the weekend!
Several folk had expressed an interest in getting together for some stitching and fellowship, so yesterday I invited people to come, between about 10-4, and I was amazed and delighted .... 12 ladies came! They all seemed to enjoy it, and I certainly did too! We've decided to call ourselves "Sit and Stitch", and meet here 2nd and 4th Tuesdays! Most of the girls had projects on the go, that they just needed a bit of a prod to get on with, so it was a good day! A few needed some particular help to get started, and that was fine too! So I'm sure you'll all chuckle, that I've gone and done it again!!
Last Sat Bob and Ken came and helped Dad make up the 3 sets of lovely Ikea bookshelves the Parish has bought for the study, and Dad spent Wed moving things around! We eventually got the shelves into the study, and now there are less boxes in there .... but still some! And the shelves are full, of course! But it looks better than it did!
Look after yourselves, all of you! Love you all! Mum