But anyway we're here now. Very pleased to report that Jacob's bedtime is sooooo much better than it used to be! It's been nearly 2 weeks now and he hardly makes a noise (apart from the night after mum commented how well the boys go to bed, and since then Sam's been upset and unsettled too!). He doesn't wake up during the night now either which is fantastic, and in the mornings he's generally happy to put his own dvds on and play in the lounge, and lately gets the breakfast cereal out and starts eating that (thankfully he can't open the fridge!). Can't believe it's only a month until he turns 3!
Sam's been pretty good too. He seems to be so close to crawling (which we are so not ready for!) and certainly moves round enough. The last few days he's decided 6:30 is a good time to wake up and start the day (we also aren't ready for!) but thankfully the day I was quite crook with tonsilitis he slept for over 2 1/2 hours in the morning and again in the afternoon so I could rest up too.
Al's back at Uni this week so we're getting used to another new routine. We're pretty stoked cos he got a High Distinction for the subject he did as an intensive! It was very basic computer stuff which he has trained people in himself so he'd wanna do well, but he didn't put much effort into any of it so was still pleasantly surprised. He's still busy with church stuff and video editing and other bits n pieces and life in general!
And me? I'm feeling much better than i was earlier this week - the antibiotics seem to be doing what they should and my tonsils aren't looking as horrid as they did. Jo & Luci & I have a regular once a month coffee date which is great! We went to Starbucks at the bay this week and I tried Luci's Chai Latte and I can see myself getting hooked. Yum. It's been a busy few weeks but things are settling down a bit now (I hope!).
Anyway... Think it's bedtime! MUCH love to you all and look forward to seeing you over the next few weeks!
Lovely to see the photos! Fantastic result, Al ..... well done!! A terrific start to your academic year! Hope you all adapt to the new routine without too much hassle, and I'm so pleased the boys are sleeping better .... hope I don't jinx them again! Luv Mum
.... they must have got on with that fence pretty quickly ... that's good too! Mum
Nice to see the photos ~ lovely of course. Always great to catch up on news.
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