Sunday, June 03, 2007

Happy Valley clan update

Hey everyone,
Thanks for your well wishes for Michael's birthday. I will get him on here to post a thank you himself. We have been a little busy this weekend, and not really spent much time at the computers.

Firstly - a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Happy birthday to Debbie. Sorry its a little late! We have 2 cards here waiting to be sent up to you, so I will try and get on that this week - better late than never I guess! Also a big thank you to you guys for Michael's present, and cards, it was very special receiving so many, and even Kat remembered, she is one smart cat ;)

Secondly a biiiiiiiiiiiiig thank you to everyone what attended Michael's birthDAY. It was a long day with many locations, and many surprises, and he loved every bit of it. Thank you for being part of it and making it special for him :)

Update on us? Well we have been busy with evil work of course, and Michael has been progressing very well at school. He is in the top spelling group for his year, and is still getting 12/12 each week for his spelling tests. He is learning about transport, and in maths he is learning fractions and getting into division. Cant believe its happening already. He thinks nothing of spelling words like cauliflower, and its getting that soon I will be out shone by his ability in spelling (not a hard achievement!) Michael has also progressed well with football, and scored a point last week, and also one of the players of the match award.

Update on football. Well out of 5 games, we have had 3 wins and 2 losses, so the coach is on a good thing. With the last 2 games where we have won, the players on our team that have had to play for the other team to make up numbers, have scored their entire points against us! Our boys are doing very well, and the coach is certainly enjoying his role.

Update on health. Michael lost a tooth on Friday again. He has to go to the dentist on June 14 (day after Guns n Roses gig) for a filling also. Rob is doing well, and exercising more regularly and I think he is loosing weight a little. Then there is me, a few years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS - with is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Its a condition that basically is what it says - cysts on the ovaries, which can cause you to be infertile, and also messes up your hormone levels. I have had this condition pretty much since before conceiving Michael. Effects are weight gain, hormone imbalance, and then the bad things like infertility and diabeties, and heart disease, all things you really dont want. Michael of course came along, and surprised us all, and then thankfully things went ok for a while.
As you can see by looking at me, weight is an issue, and due to this and feeling not so flash I went to the docs to get a general update on the condition. He ran a glucose tolerance test a couple of weeks ago, and bingo I am out of whack. Basically in a nutshell I have contracted pre-diabeties due to having excessive amounts of insulin in my blood due to hormone imbalance. The cure? Well weight loss. The problem? PCOS causes weight gain and makes weight loss very difficult. The solution? Cut out fats and sugars for 6 weeks and see how my body responds. I was given these instructions on Tuesday, and on Tuesday night had a feast for Michael's birthday. From Wednesday I have stuck to a strict diet of minimal sugar and fat, and spending ages in the shops reading labels for sugar and fat content - did you know even weight watchers food is high in sugar to the point of insanity??? Since that time (4 days) I have dropped 2 kilos already :) The Dr's goal is 10kg in 6 months, so I am on track :)
Its very hard especially with the boys eating bacon today! But in the long run its good for me, and its allowing me a chance to avoid diabities type 2 for now, so it has its benefits. Its very hard when you are craving something sweet, and you dont like artificial sweeteners! Coke zero is quite nice, surprisingly! So wish me luck!

I have enjoyed seeing all of your piccies, and I hope this post finds everyone well :)


Debbie said...

Thank you for the update Cherie. So glad the hear that Michael had an excellent birthday, and thanks for your well wishes for me.
Great to hear that Michael is having such great time at school. Well done Michael is smart thing you!

As for your health Cherie, I have been noticing your tag lines of the last week and have been meaning to catch you 'on-line' to find out how you were, but so far our paths hadn't crossed. I actually know a bit about PCOS now as a close friend was diagnosed with the same thing only last week. Sounds like you have been very disciplined to lose 2 kgs already - good for you. I have great empathy for you regarding your diet as I am still on a very strict diet of no sugars (especially chocolate), no caffeine, no alcohol, minimal cheese, no highly fatty/processed foods, etc etc - pretty much all the good things to eat in life! I am having to avoid stimulants to minimize my anxiety attacks and the strict diet is working pretty much so far. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it only took less than a week for the chocolate cravings to stop. So next time I let that yummy desert pass me by I'll think of you, and how brave we both are ;)
I am going to see the psychologist next week so hopefully I'll have some answers then.
Oh, and just for fun I also fell spectacularly (spectacularly embarrassingly that is!) at church yesterday and strained my ankle, so now I'm hobbling around like an old lady. Oh well, gotta keep life interesting I guess.
Anyway, I hope your family is supportive with your new diet Cherie and you will certainly be in my thoughts.

Love and hugs.

Heth said...

You guys are both doing well to stay off the chocolate! I'm so not that disciplined i'm sorry to say... But glad Deb that its' helping you and hope that stuff sorts itself out for you too Cherie! You've done well so far and I hope your boys are supportive! Always nice to hear your goings on :)
Much love! xox