Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A video Debbie has made for church this week


Heth said...

WOW that was fantastic! What a talented woman you are!

Al Brock said...

absolutely brilliant! I pray that many are blessed and draw closer to God.

How is the artist?

Can I use it at AW sometime?

Blessings to you

Al Brock said...

ok should have looked at the tag line - Sanctus Real is Artist

Cherie said...

Ha ha Emo and God, that kind of draws a parody I had NEVER ever imagined! Sorry, its not funny, just satorical. I didnt realise that Jesus had a fringe that long ;)

That is beyond wicked Debbie, very very well done :)

You draw very very well, excellent job.

Debbie said...


Sorry, just wanted to clarify that the song is being sung to God and the badly drawn ANIME character is the one who is crying out to God. Personally I wouldn't want to be responsible for assuming what Jesus looks like (though everyone knows that He wears a white T and blue jeans).

Just wondering, is satorical satanic satire?

Hope that the diet etc is going well. Look forward to hearing how the GNR concert was.

Cherie said...

Ohhhhhh nooo you have got me wrong!!!! I was just making a generalised statement that I couldnt imagine Jesus as an Emo, I was never assuming that your animation was depicting Jesus.
Infact I took the animation and the song to really be an icon more personal than a generalised Jesus statement. I could see that it was a dude crying out for help, whether it be to God or to anyone. Without being too presumptious, I thought the song reflected the pain that you must be suffering. I thought that by using it at church it might be enlightening to the bunch that people show pain in different ways, and its good to keep an eye out.

I am not a believer in the whole Jesus thing so I would never say whether its a satanic sattire or whatever, as I dont believe in heaven and hell as such. I guess my beliefs stem more towards what we see and that kind of deal. To me, its a little too mythical to be assuming that what might have happened a long time ago is still apt today. I am more of a naturalist, so I guess one day I will explore Buddism and see how that fits with my values? Who knows...

Anyway in a nutshell, what you do rocks :)