Thursday, September 06, 2007

Natalie and Calvin have made a movie

Last week Natalie wrote a story (with some ideas from Calvin) and on Saturday we went on location and filmed it. Both Natalie and Calvin supervised the editing and when it was all to their liking I put it up on YouTube to share with you all (click here to watch it now). Hope that you enjoy it, and please rate it if you did.

Sorry for all the weird nerdfighter references. I can see that if you aren't part of the brotherhood 2.0 community none of what I say (or the videos I make) will make any sense. So here I attempt a short explaination:
Two brothers, John and Hank Green, decided to stop texually communicating with each other for all of 2007, instead they post a video every other day to each other and they are quite entertaining. As a result now about 10,000 people watch them each day (including us) and the people who do that are called nerdfighters. Official definition of a nerdfighter is someone who instead of being made up of cells and organs is completely made of awesome. The brothers also have a website which has a forum called 'in my pants' where people can hang out and chat, its own wiki that Stuart has contributed too significantly and its own 'foundation to decrease world suck'. It is considered a nerdfighter's duty to decrease world suck where ever possible. I am now offically a 'secret sibling' to Hank and John - which just means that when they post a video, I post a video as a response (though it doesn't have to be related to what they talk about. Thus the strange videos that you will see over the next few weeks/months (if I stay that motivated). Hank runs an eco-website thing and John Green is an award winning young adult author and has said lots of nice things about our kids and the videos that we have made. Not sure if that has helped or made you more confused, but hopefully that will explain anything weird that you see in upcoming videos.

Until then love and hugs and enjoy the film,


Heth said...

Wow guys that was FANTASTIC!!! We've just sat here and watched it a number of times and Jacob loved it (especially Natalie - 'Natalie was my favourite bit in the movie').

hdddfkdvfdfnfdjffd jrfjfrj tur ntgrfjtjutrg rueruerrruru tuturur rrr ghrhrherh rehrulrfje reur eujrure frfikikrirfir rejrejej rfjerj iorfioreiejfrjejefjedj rfjrfj jerjfjrfjrjrj jrftnrfj tutrgireirireierieeduerfkfkfkfkfkfkdkfkfkffkfkgfk rtuurturtururururururtututururuueue

Can't wait to see more!
Love us :)

nannakaren said...

Wow I'm so impressed! Well done all of you! Can't wait to see the next one! Hope you're all doing OK ...... how did you feel about the camp, Debbie?
love you all! Mum/Nanna