Friday, August 04, 2006

Thank you Nanna!

Just wanted to say a very HUGE thank you to Nanna for staying with us and helping us so much. For the dishes, the washing, the shopping, the Wiggles, the morning shift, the 'up', and most importantly the love and support and encouragement at this time, words don't do justice for the gratitude we feel! We're all very grateful and we love you and appreciate you very much.
Thank you also to Pappa for sharing her with us for the past few weeks :)
Much love and blessings,
Heth, Al, Jacob and Sam


nannakaren said...

just testingq

nannakaren said...

Not just testing any more! Nanna wishes to state that it was her privilege and pleasure to have that time with you! I think I passed my Washing exams, in both Dishes and Clothes, but the many cuddles and games with Jacob, and all the coffees, and the chats, and Wiggles songs and dances well and truly made up for the "work"! I miss my cuddles and "pisses"!