Friday, August 25, 2006


Hi Honeys! We all know what a small world this is, don't we?? Last night Dad and i went to the High School Musical, and as we walked into the foyer we were greeted by ... Allan, from Adare, and two very excited women, also from Adare ..... good grief!! They're all part of the South Coast District Musical society (or whatever it is) and next year they're doing "The Boyfriend", which is what the school's doing this year ... so they came for a look! We had some very interesting conversations, then and at interval ... Dad even let on that we used to be in musicals, so who knows what we'll be "encouraged into" next year! Allan made mention of "the letter" ... the "official invitation", and apparently he posted it last Friday, but we haven't got it yet! (Dad's been getting just a bit anxious!) ... so if it doesn't turn up today he'll ring Allan for another to be sent! Was all ve-ery interesting!
Dad was at Renmark yesterday, too, and one of the key ladies he's had a lot to do with crossed her arms, tapped her foot and said "what's this I hear about you leaving?? ... I'm NOT happy!" It seems there were Adare folk, and Loxton folk, and Renmark folk, at the Parilla centenary last weekend, and Chris (Renmark) was told by an Adare person "Oh we've been trying to get him for ages!" .... so isn't that nice??! It sure made Dad feel good ... altho then of course he's worried that he might not live up to expectations .... mutter mutter!
Then when we got home there were 7 messages on our ans machine .... one from John adn 4 from Granny, telling us that Grampa had a fall yesterday and had stitches ... he walked up the street n back (like he's not meant to!) and as he got back out the front of Willochra he didn't lift his stick high enough and sprawled on the path! Had to wait a while for someone to find him, and he's got 5 stitches (told Elwyn he'll have a headache today!) but is OK ... what can we say!??
And yes, Heth, I HAVE got the tickets! Love you all!

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