Monday, December 04, 2006

Busy weekend in Whyalla (No hospital trips!)

Looking back at the days that have just gone by I can see that we have in fact been quite busy. Friday night Stuart stayed home and got stuck into reports and I went and baby sat Matt and Sharina's boys (Daniel 4 and Bradley 2). After an hour of singing lullabys I then had a relatively easy night, though I didn't get home until after 12, and Stuart was still up reporting. Saturday morning became busier than we had planned with a trip out to the shops and then a dash to church to organise the power point for Sun night's Carol service. (Was not happy as I had been asked to do the power point and then was not given any details and was not told of the practise. Was very glad that I found out as I had some important changes to make). I got home in time for Stuart to run off to school for an hour before returning the car so that I could take Natalie out to a birthday party (at a guess I would stay there were 30+ kids there - crazy). Stuart kept doing reports. Then it was time for cleaning, tea, kids to bed and THEN PIRATE PARTY. We had a few of the guys around to watch Pirates of the Carribean 2 and I had fun dressing up in Calvin's Captain Jack stuff. Of course it was after 3:30am before we got to bed and Dave decided to crash on the couch (so I had fun at 6am keeping the kids entertained and quiet! Though they were very excited about having breakfast with Dave. Natalie is such a big flirt). Then Sunday was church (and more reports for Stuart) and THEN in the evening it was off to the Bethel Christian Centre's Community Carols. Apart from Calvin being sad that the lines for the bouncy castle and pony rides where too long for him to have a go, the night went well (though we had about twice as many people as the church can comfortably hold). The Children's church presentation was SO cute (they sang Colin's 'Christ the King of Christmas') and Natalie was dressed at a candy cane. She did really well, even though she did sing one chorus facing the back of the stage! Towards the end of the service she then joined the big girls for a dance (to Colin's 'Aussie Jingle Bells') and she got many cheers for her solo dance (I was SO proud). It was about 9pm before we got home and Stuart went straight back to reports and I decided to give him his space by going out with a bunch of people. Coming home at 11:30 probably wasn't the smartest thing to do and consequently my three very late nights (and early mornings) have all caught up with me today. Oh well, it is actually quite nice to feel tired as the result of personal choices and a jolly good time rather than an involentary trip to hospital. So that is our weekend. Hope that you are all enjoying the crazy party/service season too. Love and hugs.


Heth said...

Wow sure sounds busy and fun. It's that time of year I guess! Hope you can enjoy a restful day today? Look forward to catching up soon - 3 weeks til the big day! Love and hugs to you all :)

Heth said...

Gorgeous pics! I'm sure Jacob will LOVE to see them when he gets home!

nannakaren said...

wow .... and I thought I was busy!! But I'm glad you had a good weekend, and no medical emergencies is certainly a plus!! Would love to see a video of the concert .... maybe one day?? I'm sure Natalie was absolutely delightful and definitely the star of the show!! Will be beaut to have you all here ... in 3 1/2 weeks! Spare bed's all ready for you and i've kept out sheets etc for the young 'uns! Love you XXXXX
Hope rest of reports about done, Stu!!

Ian said...

Mmmm... its actually less than 3 weeks before we see you...!! just think in 3 weeks Christmas lunch will be (nearly!) over!!