Sunday, December 10, 2006

.... moving .... pictures ...

.. and no, it's not quite what you think! Dad has just finished packing his first box (wow ... cheer cheer ... hip hooray!) .... of photos .... from our walls .... boy does it look weird! I've just caught up my diary for over a week (WHY do I get behind?!) and am about to do Friday's ironing, then start our Christmas mail! I think Dad's gonna start packing the study then .... he HAS conceded that he can't get the rest of the slides scanned before we go, so i guess that's something! Hope you're all cool n stress-free!


Cherie said...

Ohh no Debbie thats terrible! Hope that cool air comes your way soon!

Packing - ewwww, cant believe it was 4 years ago that we were doing the same thing!

nannakaren said...

Bummer about the air cond, Debbie .... I DO hope it can be fixed VERY soon, and hope this lovely cooler spell lasts a while, too!
Time sure does fly, doesn't it Cherie?