Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Morning all!

Blog's been a bit quiet for a while .... guess everyone's busy! Our diaries are getting full, as folk try to get to know us, and we try and go to a lot of the things on around t church here .... there are sure plenty! Saturday night we played mini-golf with 54 others, and that was beaut fun! We really enjoyed it, but it aggravated the cold that Dad kindly shared with me earlier that day! I'm pretty thick-headed now .... no comments needed thanks! I've been getting some sewing done, and enjoying it! On Friday I'll finally get to go to a quilting group here ... will be interesting ... is only a 2 hour "show" so I'm not sure just what we'll do! Guess I'll find out! Hope you're all doing OK!

1 comment:

Heth said...

Glad it's all going well - you certainly seem to be enjoying it! And quite handy only being an hour away... ;)
Hooray to Stu on your job too, that's great. Keep going up from here? :P
I'm sure we'll do some more blogging one of these days too but generally we're going well, Al's Uni intensive isn't as intense as thought (he's done all the work and is just going to a few lectures he's interested in) and the boys are still fun.
Much love to you all!