Monday, April 30, 2007

How good am I?

Check out the footy tipping - I'm coming 8965 out of 8965 on Yahoo!!!!!

I am the Bomb!

(In case you're wondering how I have managed to get just 12 out of 40 games right - I'm trying to pick the losers, as a compromise with Heth for being to busy for tipping this year.) Round four was a bit annoying, but apart from that, I have nothing to say but "I ROCK!")

You know, other people apart from us are allowed to post things on the blog if they want to. We do find it useful to know what everyone else is up to.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Funny story for the day...

Before tea tonight Al and Jacob were having a race to the table. Jacob got there first so I said 'You won!'. He looked at me like I should have known better and said 'No, I 3!'


Hope that you are all having a good week.
So ... anyone out there take any good photos of the weekend?

We were very impressed with ourselves on Sunday for being home by 2pm (that NEVER happens) and it was lovely to wake up Monday and really feel at home (with no unpacking to do). The kids and I went swimming Monday and mostly managed to give Stuart some 'space'. Yesterday Natalie had a friend from school over and today we are hoping to get a trip to the beach in (as long as the weather is nice) . Thinking of heading out to Point Lowly tomorrow to commemorate the 26th and then back to the pool on Friday. All in all should be a good week. Having Bible study here tonight (We can FINALLY finish reading through 1 Peter. Has only taken over 7 weeks - yes there are only 5 chapters! Oh well, been good).
Oooooo, the sun just came out, that's nice. Maybe it will be a nice day at the beach after all. Back up plan is to rug up and go fly a kite somewhere.

Love and hugs to all. And look forward to seeing all those wonderful, fabulous photos. ;)

Friday, April 13, 2007


Going, going ..... gone!

(see below photo for perception of the height of the jump)

Finally, Stuart had done the high ropes!

Today is the last day of school, so Stuart is happy to almost be on holidays and Natalie was excited because it was casual dress day AND she was allowed to take her bike to school for her classes 'wheels day'.
Last night Stuart slept out at the Special Class camp at Iron Knob and this morning Calvin and I went out to see what they were up to. We were in time to see Stuart doing the 'leap of faith', the wall climb and the flying fox (I even had a go on that one). Lots of fun. (For those who don't know the police have a camp out there, Errapa, with lots of trust games, that involve being up very, very high). You can get some idea of how high the 'leap of faith' was from the picture of Stuart climbing up to the platform.
Calvin made a friend so he was very happy.
I've also thrown in a picture of Natalie on the big bouncy castle at the fishy fringe on Saturday.
Love and hugs, Debbie.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter at Victor Harbour pt2

1. Eating our yummy BBQ lunch.
2. Sam enjoying an ice cream that Uncle Rob was feeding him.
3. Michael playing on the lawn.
4. Family shot down at the Inman River boardwalk.

I hope that everyone enjoy's their Easter, and has a happy and safe one. (spare a little thought for Rob today, who is working a 12 hour overtime shift!)
Take care
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Easter at Victor Harbour pt1

Hey there, I thought I would share some shots of our drive to down Victor yesterday and of the yummy lunch we had and the good time we shared with the family.
I have included some pictures that are of:
1. Michael and Jacob playing with farm animals
2. Al and Rob collecting the many balls Michael lost over the fence!
3. Rob and Dad cooking the BBQ.
4. Heather showing her skills as a graceful football player
Thanks so much to Mum and Dad for having us down there, and thanks for understandign that this flu I now have really made me feel a little under the weather. I promise next time I am down that I will do the dishes!

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Calvin's first day at kindy (Occasional care actually)

Calvin went to occasional care today for 2 1/2 hours. Unfortunately the kindy that Natalie went to does not offer OC so we had to look for one that did and we think that we made a pretty good choice (well, Stuart made a good choice if I'm honest! Well done). Calvin seemed to have a good time and there were LOTS of boys to play with. The teacher was pleased with how he went and Calvin was certainly happy (although pretty tired) when we picked him up. Was nice that daddy had a meeting at the district office and so was able to come with me to pick up Calvin, which was a nice surprise for the boy. He even made his own rabbit and got an easter egg to munch on his way home. Now mummy just needs to work out what she is going to do with this bit of space each week!


Monday, April 02, 2007

Jacob's Birthday Part 2

We picked Jacob up from Care about 5ish and went to the Playground on the other side of Foodland (just next to Pasadena Kindy), and gave Jacob the rest of his pressie - A Bike! He was not at all excited or pleased. This was not what we were expecting. Not to worry, he'll get used to it (it's not like he sees Daddy riding a bike around or anything... and we were trying to make him wear his helmet which he wasn't too keen on...). So then we walked the 2 minutes to the shops and got chips for tea, and went back to the playground to eat. He had a great time playing on the slide and things (there's a rock climbing wall there too!) but it was getting a bit cool and windy so we came home for more birthday cake. I think he was expecting something a bit more than just mum and dad and Sam cos he asked 'where are the children?!'. But we sang and had cake and baths and he put on his nice new Wiggles PJs (thanks NannyB) and Nanna and Grampa rang and he entertained us with 'a show' and we did the Hokey Pokey and he went to bed! I think it's safe to say he's had a good 3rd birthday, thank you everyone! In the words of Jacob - 'Well done guys'. :) xox
The camera's run out of batteries and I've run out of oomph to get the photos off, so we'll have to do it later...

It's Jacob's Birthday!

Today is the day! Jacob was very excited when he saw the pressies next to the bed this morn (although didn't understand that they weren't from Santa!) and had fun opening the parcels that had arrived last week. I think the thing he was most excited about was the 3 lollipops that Aunty Wendy put in with his lovely new red Wiggles top (different to the lovely new red Wiggles top he got from Jo, and the lovely new red Wiggles PJ's he got from NannyB!). I did think that 5 to 7 was a bit early to be eating lollipops even on his birthday, but he will certainly be wanting one as soon as he gets home from Care this arvo. He enjoyed watching the Curious George movie he got from Natalie and Calvin early this morn too, and once he was dressed just wanted to go out and drive his car around the back yard. We took birthday cake to care so they could sing for him again and after we pick him up we'll go to a park with a playground and have some chips for tea, and he can get the rest of his pressie from us! ;)

He certainly seemed to enjoy his birthday party on Saturday arvo. I'd got some big rockers and slides and things from the Toy Library, and Daddy got his big bubble stuff out which was a huge hit! The kids had great fun running around chasing and popping the bubbles. And of course there was Birthday Cake (thanks Nanna) and lots of food! I think Jacob didn't quite eat all of the jelly beans. Was good fun! I have a feeling Jacob will be having a BIG sleep at Care today!

This is being a bit demented and not letting me put photos up at the moment but i'll keep trying. And no doubt I'll have a bit more to update later about the rest of the day!

Riding at the beach.

Twice this weekend we went to the beach to do some bike riding. On Saturday daddy rode his bike to the beach and I took the kids (and their bikes) in the car and we enjoyed and nice picnic tea there. Then Sunday Stuart rode to the beach with Tony and again I took the kids down and we enjoyed milkshakes by the water (completely gorgeous day). Then while the boys rode home the kids discovered the joy of riding very fast down small hill in the park (took some rather funny video). These pictures are from Sunday.

Hope that the rest of you were able to enjoy the lovely weather this weekend.
