Monday, April 02, 2007

Jacob's Birthday Part 2

We picked Jacob up from Care about 5ish and went to the Playground on the other side of Foodland (just next to Pasadena Kindy), and gave Jacob the rest of his pressie - A Bike! He was not at all excited or pleased. This was not what we were expecting. Not to worry, he'll get used to it (it's not like he sees Daddy riding a bike around or anything... and we were trying to make him wear his helmet which he wasn't too keen on...). So then we walked the 2 minutes to the shops and got chips for tea, and went back to the playground to eat. He had a great time playing on the slide and things (there's a rock climbing wall there too!) but it was getting a bit cool and windy so we came home for more birthday cake. I think he was expecting something a bit more than just mum and dad and Sam cos he asked 'where are the children?!'. But we sang and had cake and baths and he put on his nice new Wiggles PJs (thanks NannyB) and Nanna and Grampa rang and he entertained us with 'a show' and we did the Hokey Pokey and he went to bed! I think it's safe to say he's had a good 3rd birthday, thank you everyone! In the words of Jacob - 'Well done guys'. :) xox
The camera's run out of batteries and I've run out of oomph to get the photos off, so we'll have to do it later...

1 comment:

Stu said...


So glad to hear that Jacob had a good birthday. Will have to see if we can squeeze our kids bikes in for some holiday riding fun.
Know it's a day late, but I might see if I can get my kids to ring tonight and sing "the song" before bed.

Love and hugs.