I don't know where to start! The short version would be it was great! Certainly the best show I've been to, great atmosphere and excitement cos U2 really are the biggest band in the world if not the universe. Would have enjoyed it a whole lot more if i didn't sneeze every minute, and nanna and the boys survived their evening too.
The slightly longer version... It was all super! We went with Jules which was great cos she was contagiously excited. My excitement and enthusiasm was slightly dampened by the worry of how the boys would be, and Al seemed to be partying on the inside only (he was a U2 veteran, he saw them at the MCG last time) but Jules had enough for all of us! We had seats about half way between the stage and the back, about half way up the grandstand so were pretty stoked. Great atmosphere! We also had binoculars which were very useful!
There were so many 'best bits' but one of the awful things about something like this (or anything in life really!) is that now it's over and i'm not going to remember every moment, every note, every word. Be great if we could but I guess we'll just have to wait for the tour DVD.
During Beautiful Day they changed the bridge with Adelaide and South Oz references which was so nice! I'm sure somewhere in cyberspace we could find exactly what he said but I can't be bothered today.
In Sunday Bloody Sunday he got a young guy (maybe about 12 years old) to come up and they sat on the stage together. Bono talked about for his generation we need to say 'No more!' to poverty, war etc. Very awesome.
One song had a huge AV presentation thing which was very cool. Apparently the Zoo tour was 2 full on hours of this kinda stuff, and Rattle&Hum was much more acoustic (well as acoustic as a U2 show can be!) but the Vertigo tour was a good mix of both.
At the beginning looking out over the crowd you could see people holding up their phones to take pics or video or whatever. Later on Bono got everyone to get their phones out and make it look like a Christmas tree and it looked gorgeous all glittery and twinkly! And of course then SMS your full name to show your support to the Make Poverty History campaign... then at the end everyone's names were shown on the big screen as a thank you! Well not quite everyones, mine wasn't there but I did recognise 1 or 2. But then after I got home I got an sms from Bono! 'Hi it's Bono... thanks for texting... please go to www.makepovertyhistory.com.au and sign up to be part of the generation that says no to extreme poverty'
There was lots of audience participation singing etc as you'd expect!
Very much liked One (really like that song anyway and it reminds me of Stu! I think cos it was on the first CD I bought and listened to on Stu's CD player. The things you do) And the usual, Desire, Streets have no name, Beautiful Day, Sometimes you can't make it on your own etc etc etc.
So many highlights!
Thats about all I can think of now.
When we got home the house was dark and quiet but Nanna and Sam were asleep in the rocking chair... They did survive the night but there was lots of screaming from a hungry Sam (pity I couldn't express a bit more for him!) It wasn't all bad, there were some giggles too. And Jacob was good.
I certainly did have a cold or something - sneezed so much and was feeling a bit crusty but managed to not get up til 10 on Friday! I fed Sam when we got home about 12, then about 5:30, so was thinking he was having a really big sleep but he'd been up since a bit after 9 playing happily with Jacob and Nanna. Heaps better today just sound a bit shocking.
Thank you Very Very much to Nanna for looking after the boys so we could go! You're worth you're weight in giggles :)