Sunday, December 10, 2006

Our new pergola area

Ok so its a little messy out there still, but this is our new pergola area. Rob and Dad did it in less than 2 days - one day last weekend, and yesterday.

It certainly makes a difference when it comes to shade, and heat entering the house. It was 41C here yesterday and it was like a fridge inside, we actually turned off the aircond. at one stage! Well done to my Dad and Rob for doing a great job :) (will look great once its all finished and tidy!) Posted by Picasa


nannakaren said...

Wow .... the fellas must have really got a wriggle on, on Saturday .... looks excellent! Well done! Did you have your friends over for a barbie yesterday? ... or too hot?!

Cherie said...

Nuh no BBQ, I still arent 100%, and was feeling worse yesterday, also they might have got a little annoyed with our screaming and carrying on about the V8's!