And that was just on the way TO Loxton! (We didn't hit the bunnies or owl, just saw them). An hour out of Loxton at 11:30pm, in the middle of

We had a busy day yesterday too. Al went to church in the morning (we put up the Christmas tree!) and got home about 1:30, and we got organised and went to Mt Barker for Dan and Bron's engagement party. Jacob went to sleep on the way of course but as soon as he woke up he was excited about the Party. We left there at 4:30 (and hour after I had been hoping to, but we only got there at 3!) and picked up a few things from home and went to our Playgroup Christmas Party. I think we all had a great time, and everyone appreciated Al entertaining the kids! Sam slept very well last night cos he really didn't get much during the day, and after screaming and bashing on the door for 25 minutes Jacob seemed to sleep well too. (It was at the 25min mark that Sam was woken up, so Al sat with Jacob til he went to sleep which was what J wanted in the first place! *sigh*) It's nice to have a quiet at home day today!
1 comment:
I'm glad you enjoyed your visit, cos I did too! And I know we loved having Jacob sleep in our room ... the cuddles in teh morning were very special!
Dad's getting through the "last"s ... last Mantung service yesterday, and last Renmark Church Council tonight ... adn as it's only a month today until we move, that's just as well really! Back to the boxes .... sigh!
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