It started way too early for a start - 5 past 6 Jacob was very upset about something. Seeing I had to get up for work then anyway I went in and he wanted to go nigh nigh with daddy... of course that didn't work, he didn't understand that it was still sleep time but mum was having a shower. I put him back in his bed and shut the door and left for work and think he screamed for a while and perhaps had a bit of a rest.
Work was good - I was at Ashford and they only needed me til 11 but it was a pleasant 4 hours.
Then I got home.
I think it had been a long morning for them with a lot of tears and a very tired boy. Went with the very tired mum and dad too! Jacob slept for an hour after lunch, and Al was snoozing on the couch and I was snoozing on the bed. Ashley rang about the computer dramas they were having at church (which were getting worse) so Al finished his power nap and went to save the day or something.
Jacob spent most of the afternoon driving me up the wall! He'd ask for something, so I'd get it for him, then he'd go ballistic and run around screaming and throwing himself on the floor/couch/mum cos he really didn't want that. I don't understand! And because it was so freezing (only 12* in Adelaide today! And 4* overnight! Glad i'm not in Renmark tho, -2* is a bit wrong) I didn't want to take him outside. He spent a while wanting me to hold him while he put his shoes in the drawer, then on top of the drawer, then back in the drawer about 50 times but he's getting heavy and I'm getting big! He also seemed to want to eat all the time but didn't want anything I suggested (he's not eating lollies all day!). He's going through a stage of asking us to put on Colin to watch, then within 5 minutes of it starting saying 'No Colin! Bob!' or vice versa. This is indecisive to the extreme!
And of course Al found out he didn't get the job which is crap! Knew it was too good to be true...
When he got home from the office he was exusted and feeling very crap and just wanted to lie down. Then he threw up and was in bed by 5. I'm sure he'll be much better after a decent sleep.
Jacob wasnt' completely horrible all day. For a while he was happy to do some drawing and play with the bin and push Roley along the floor and he did sit for maybe 15 minutes watching Colin. He likes green at the moment and still loves making towers and knocking them over (except when he neatly takes them apart 1 by 1 and puts them back in the bucket!). And this morning I had a real phone conversation with him while i was at work!
'Hi Mummy!'
'Hi Jacob how are you?'
'Are you being a good boy for Daddy?'
'Ummmmm yes'
'Bye Mummum!'
And now Al and Jacob are both in bed asleep, Pumpkin's doing the tap dancing somersalt routine again, the fire's almost keeping me warm, the dishes are half done (got interrupted this arvo, can't think why!) and I'll probably go and fall asleep in front of the telly. It's a good thing we don't have days like this too often! And VERY MUCH looking forward to our night away!
BTW the photo is of Jacob's Tim Tam induced screaming episode - not today but may as well have been!