I wonder if this will work properly?? I downloaded google's software pack upon Rob's recommendation to get Google Earth. In the pack was picture editing package 'Picasa'. I happened to notice whilst having a play that there was an icon on there that had 'blog this' with the blogger icon. From what I can see all you have to do is click on the image and then click on the blog this icon. If this works, this will be great, if not its back to the drawing board!
What you should see if all works, is an image of Michael taken at Mt Lofty restaurant a couple of weeks ago. It was 6C outside and we thought that a nice hot chocolate for him and some lattes for us sounded like a good idea :)
Here goes...
It worked!
This might be an easy solution for Mum to share her images online? Basically is a click and go, when you hit "Blog this" you just log in and then you type your message, and hey presto its done :)
I love finding easy solutions :)
Now I am off to find an easy solution to doing housework :(
I like the way you do your housework, dont do it and it just stays the same, whereas my way is stupid, as I do it, it looks good for 5 minutes (if I am lucky) then it gets dirty again - lots of wasted effort! I only really bothered as we have friends coming over today!
Not sure why you got the error message, Mum mentioned in her comment to Michael that she could see the image, so thats a bit weird.
Anyway had better go, its almost party time! 16 kids - I swear this is the last year I subject myself to such torture! :)
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