I'll have to see if the computer and Jacob will behave long enough to tell you about our newish office type area! (the simple answer is no, incidently!)
As you may realise having another baby creates a bit of a space issue - as in where are we gonna put it? So the idea has always been to convert the shed (well, 2/3 of the shed) into an office so Al's got space to store all his assorted computer bits and pieces and also somewhere to go to play with them. It is no longer just a dream, Crammy's done all the plans and everything and we've booked in the June long weekend (as in 2 weeks away!) to do it!
I don't wanna be trapsing out to the shed every time i want to send an email or check the blog so the futon's gone into the old office/pumpkin's room and the desk and computer etc has come out into the dining room. Al got a cupboard from church (similar to Mum's teak cupboard and it's ok they were getting rid of it!) for all the paper and envelopes and other associated bits so we've rearranged things to fit it in and so far so good! We may or may not get that lovely closable computer cupboard from Ikea (bit of a $$ thing at the moment) but this seems to be working.
So far Jacob seems happy to do his own thing while I'm on the computer - far more so than when it was in the office - and I'm sure he'll get used to not touching everything adn we'll get used to leaving the mouse and keyboard etc back far enough on the table!
We'll keep you informed on the progress :)
think it only looks neat cos we haven't actually got stuff on it yet :P BUT time will tell!
Looks excellent! Have you decided what to do with teh futon yet?? If not sell it, could it be used at the church?? .... swap for the cupboard maybe???? ... just a thought! Happy arranging!
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