Sunday, August 20, 2006

lots of legs ....

Hi Honeys, Thought i should tell you about my Friday morning. I got up about 6.30 as usual, and got dressed in the dark, as usual. I took my shoes and socks out to the dining room to put on, where there was a bit more light, and as I went to put my foot in my sock I realised there was a big huntsman spider on the sock ..... I squealed and threw it all away, and went in and woke Dad .... he hadn't rushed out to save me, so i figured in that case he deserved to be woken! I didn't know where the spider had gone, but when i calmed down, got another pair of socks, and went to put them on, I could see that he was calmly sitting on the sock I'd thrown away! I got Dad to come out then, and I want you all to use your imaginations here ..... picture Dad in his bright yellow nightshirt, belting the spider with the fly swat, and saying "naughty spider, naughty naughty spider!" ..... now is that scarey, or what??!
Love Mum
I DID enjoy my walk, once I got going!


Heth said...

Ewwww to both!

Cherie said...

Ok now I HATE huntsmen as you all know, they are my most hated hated hated of all insects!

But when you put it like that, I have to think on what is more scarier - Dad or the huntsman! ;)

Look at it this way, maybe with your move, you wont have the fernery and all of those icky spiders! (I am hoping for both you and me!!)