There hasnt really been much to tell lately from our neck of the woods until this week, which has been quite umm 'interesting'.
My work load was always going to be terrible this week with 10000 pre-orders in the system, my relief worker leaving Thursday for 4 weeks off on sick leave for a shoulder op, and the fact that its 2 weeks out from Christmas and the daily order count plus the pre-orders would be immense. That was the up side of things. The downside, is that I had to work from home all weekend, as well as EVERY night! I think I have clocked a 60+ hour week thus far. I have a new worker starting Monday that I will need to train, which shall be fun. We had stocktake yesterday in 41C heat - bear in mind I work in a tin shed with no airconditioning, which probably doesnt help the way I feel! The other bad thing is that I am really sick with some sort of flu (and really wishing that it isnt my chronic fatigue rearing its ugly head again). I am quite frankly exhausted. But that is enough on me.
This week saw a quite large bushfire near our home, and it was quite bizzare seeing the "Elvises" go over head very low (not sure if they were filling up at the reservior??), as well as water planes, media choppers etc. It was quite spectacular to see, but a little too close. I will post some images up once I download them. Michael was scared and sadly it reignited some old fears of his, and thus had nightmares about school fires with him there (curse you kids who lit that fire at Braeview, you just dont get it do you?). That was also the same evening that Rob and I were meant to be going to Robbie, which we didnt end up going to on the count that we were both suffering the flu - Rob's remainders and my coming down with. So with the bushfire around it was probably best we were home to keep an eye out. Downside is that, well we missed Robbie, and its something I dont want to dwell on as it doesnt hurt so much! A friend at work went and sent me some amazing pictures. :(
Wednesday night saw a very welcome visit from Grandma and Grandpa (aka Mum and Dad) who saw Michael at the Christmas Carols. Yes we finally located him during the last song! Its very hard locating a kid in a red t shirt and santa hat, when about 300 other kids are wearing the same! It was a lovely night, and yes I will post some photos of that too. Thanks Mum and Dad for staying with us, it was nice to have you here, I am just sorry I was chained to my computer working - damn orders!
Thursday saw Michael get his hair streaked again - he looks great :)
Friday saw Michael get his end of year report, and he has done very well. A few little behaviour glitches probably held him back, but academically he did very well, and is ahead of his years in spelling and reading, and did very well in design/technology and German.
Today saw Michael have a few accidents. Firstly he picked up Stormy, who didnt want to be picked up, and got a scratch on his tummy for his efforts. He then went swimming and bumped his chin on the bottom of the pool whilst doing the end of lesson dive. Then tonight he thought he would try shaving whilst having a spa, and with no idea on how to use a razor, sliced open (quite deeply I might add) his upper lip. Poor kid was totally in shock and really didnt cry all that much considering the amount of blood. And there was lots!!! He is now in bed sleeping - thank you panadol, but I think that it will teach him to ask next time he uses a razor! Needless to say I didnt go to my work Christmas dinner tonight!
I think I need to lie down now!