Saturday, August 05, 2006


Hi all .... i'm home again .... and I haven't looked at my Inbox yet .......! I'm checking the Blogs first, adn went to make a comment on Rob's - but I need to sign in using my MSN address (as i understand it), and I can't rmemeberr what it is! I only ever use MSn to chat when someone else starts the conversation .... you may have noticed! Any suggestions as to how I can find out what it is?? ..... and of coure, now I can't remember what i was gonna say to you, Rob!! But anyway .... it's been a long day and I'm probably too tired to be trying to do this now anyway!! .... open to suggestions please! Love Mum

1 comment:

Cherie said...

When you are logged into msn messenger, simply click on Rob's star icon next to his image (on your main page of msn messenger that lists your contacts and who is online and who isnt), that will take you directly to Rob's blog page, and you will already be signed in, so you wont need to remember your username and password.