Monday, August 14, 2006

Hi All

Hi Honeys All!
I've just been reading Lindy's Blog entries, and decided that anything in our lives is really just so much blah blah blah .... we mostly don't appreciate how blessed we all are, do we?! I continue to pray for Lindy's family and friends and all of Lebanon! ... and Israel ... and all that!
Our lives have taken on a new direction, now that folk here know we're leaving, and as we tell more folk I dare say there'll be a mixture of responses ... one of our lovely ladies left the meeting in tears yesterday after Dad dropped his bomb-shell! And Mickie next door was quite upset when I told her this morning ... we WILL be missed ... but we're both convinced that it is the right thing for us to do, and the right time! The overwhelming positive vote at Adare's meeting yesterday was very encouraging too!
However, we still live here in Loxton for another 5 months, and there are things to be done here ... not even thinking about packing!! We're having our Martha's On Martha free coffee lounge at church again this Christmas, and I've been working out what to put in the official Lights Brochure ... we've started a bit earlier this year, so will make it into the official blurb! We've decided to open more often too - each Fri Sat and Sun evening from L Lights Up night (25/11) up to and including Christmas Eve ... 14 nights instead of 9! Will be interesting!! And fun!
We're both looking forward to our holidays ... heading to northern NSW after Fathers' Day, and returning to Adelaide for Dad to start work with PRC meeting Mon 25th. I thought we'd stay in cabins en route, but fortunately asked the other day - Dad says we're tenting! Lovely! We'll probably compromise and travel to Canberra Tues 5th and stay with Bill and Anne, then to Newcastle next day .... but we'll see! I have been thinking we're possibly more likely to have ALL the family stay next year, so an extra mattress of some sort would be a good investment! (It will be LOVELY having ALL the family stay .... I'm REALLY looking forward to it!!)
We're going to visit Granny and Grampa tomorrow and will tell them we're moving. Apparently Dad has a cousin at Victor H too .... one I've never met! Dare say we'll find out about that!
Hope you're all well adn not working too hard! Hugs and "pisses" Nanna/Mum


Heth said...

Nice to have you back on the blog!

Cherie said...

Dont forget that Michael's old bed is yours! Thats so strange that Rob and I were thinking the other day, what can we do to get rid of it, and now that you need it, it works out perfectly! :)

Dont worry, no hurry, just means that the sofa bed can stay in the formal dining room a bit longer :) Also we are having a bit of a night to celebrate my birthday (but in September), and a few people from work will be staying over, so will come in handy then :)

Stu said...

This isn't the first time I've left a comment. Besides, I spoke to mum about lots of this on Sunday. (But yeah, it is kind of funny.)

Cherie said...

Umm yeah you could say that! As you probably know my immediate work mate is a stripper, and one of his mates is a favourite of ours (yes Mum he was at the Loxton man show!) so we are organising a 'home visit', as well as a BBQ, and then going up to Mallala the next day to see the development series of the v8supercars race - so it should be a good weekend :)