Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It's all good

We weighed Sam again today and he's 3260gm so has put on 230gm which is great! The nurse at the clinic said we must be doing the right thing so no more restrictions (although I'll try to avoid him sleeping too long during the day and hope that he sleeps longer at night) and do whatever we think is best. It's always nice to have that affirmation that we're doing the right thing, so feeling good! And of course I'll be feeling even better if Sam doesn't wake up for a feed every 2 hours tonight...

And here's a gross story for the day - Sam was in our bed between 5 - 6 this morning cos he wouldn't sleep and i needed to, and I must have had my mouth open at the wrong time and in the wrong place cos he just did a little chuck that went in my mouth! It was GROSS!!! Luckily it wasn't one of the projectile spews he often does... :|

1 comment:

Cherie said...

Eww about the Spew,
Great about the weight!