Thursday, September 14, 2006

Happy Birthday Heth!

Happy Birthday Heth (for the four hours you have left of it!). Sorry I didn't get anything up here earlier, but instead I have decided to send my ambassador to you in person to bestow upon you some birthday blessings.
Thank you so much for having Stuart stay tonight.
Hope your day has been great (and that your boys have given you wonderful gifts of blissful sleep). We love you and we hope all the best for you.
Love Debbie, Natalie and Calvin (and Stuart can bestow his own love when you see him!)(and Katt)

1 comment:

Heth said...

Thank you, I did have a lovely day :) The boys were pretty good, I got lots of flowers and choccies, we went for a nice walk and had a good time at Marion. And Jacob was an Angel while he had his hair cut! I'll blog a bit more about it sometime ;)