Saturday, September 02, 2006


Hi all! Will be good to see you all soon! Last weekend Dad got a dose of a wog, and my skin was really awfully sore and ugly and itchy and generally disgusting ... so on Tues we had "his n hers" Dr appts! The cream and anithistamines Dr prescribed for me have worked wonderfully and I'm very pleased about that! It feels so much better - not to mention looking better too!
Dr said Dad's was just a virus, continue the rest n panadol etc, and he noticed it was over 3 years since Dad had a cholesterol test. So Wed morning Dad went up and had his blood test, and was a bit startled to get a call from the clinic that afternoon asking him to have a repeat test, and go back to Dr! He had the test befror he went to Renmark Thurs, and yesterday morning saw Dr again .... his cholesterol is 6.2, which is a bit high, and there's some "anomaly" with his liver .... possibly a "hang-over" from the glandular fever he had when he was 21! They want to keep an eye on that, so he'll be checked again in 3 months! We're both very releived that that's all it is .... a warning for Dad to not have a block of chocolate or a whole little camembert for his supper! ... and to be a bit more careful about what he eats, and more disciplined with his exercise! (By the way, Dad shared the wog with me and now I feel pretty crappy!)
Our computers have been a bit "off" too, and it seems we need a new modem, but we're coping (just!) at the moment with dial-up ... boy is it slow! I think Dad's gonna get a wireless one, but not sure when! After holidays maybe .... start tomorrow .... yippee! See you soon! Love Mum

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