Friday, September 29, 2006

The Saga continues - our blissful week!

Clive and Sarena stayed here the week we went away, and took us out to dinner the night before we left. Clive spent years in Newcastle (in Air Force) and recommended we check out South West Rocks, just south of Coffs Harbour. Wed 13/9 we packed up and left Coffs, enjoying some sunshine for a change! We went through Scotts Head, and Stuart's Point, and found South West Rocks .... and it looked promising, so we checked in for two nights. To cut a long story short, it was even lovelier than it seemed at first and we ended up staying a week - which was good as it meant we got the 7th night free! The Park wasn't too full, there were lots of parrots and kookaburras ... and magpies! And Kangaroos that came grazing each evening near the tent, taking no notice of us! One Mum had a Joey that would lean out as Mum ate, and would have a nibble on the grass too - was very sweet, but sadly too dark by then for photos!

We did lots of walks, and Dad went for lots of runs, and more walks than me, and we found a very nice restaurant up the top of the hill, overlooking the beautiful bay. We actually went there 3 times - once for iced coffees, once we had wedges and iced coffees (very nice lunch!), and on my birthday I had yummy fish and Dad enjoyed his steak! It was a very special spot - and very popular! Right at the top of the hill was an old gaol (Trial Bay Gaol) a bit like Pt Arthur only not so big or so haunting and sad. We had a good look around that.

We both read lots - I'll try not to say too much about Dad's choice of Mills & Boon rubbish from the "library shelf" in the laundry at the park ... I guess it was "chewing gum for the eyes" ... or something! We played ONO99 each day too, and Dad cooked us bacon and eggs, or steak onion potato etc etc most days, over at the camp kitchen near the pool. We went to the little church there on Sunday morning (8am!!) and the Minister is Peter Martin who was in College with us! They invited us to lunch on Monday, and that was quite an interesting experience - Peter was Presbytery Minister for Central Q, with half a million acres for his "parish" and we heard a bit about that! Lorna's a Minister too, at Gladstone Q until January when she's moving down near Newcastle, a bit closer to Peter! She was there, as she's just got back from visitng her family in Canada and had a few more days leave.
It was a really nice week there, and we were both a bit sorry to pack up and leave on Wed 20th ... but, yes, it DID eventually stop raining! Stay tuned .... Love Mum

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