Sunday, October 15, 2006

had another think ...

We completed the inventory form and Dad will lodge it electronically! But in the process the very clever thing calculated that we're going to need 66 cubic metres of space in the truck (for everything, furniture and all)! Then Dad had another think and we worked out that the size of their "boxes" is more like tea chest size, and we'd calculated on smaller ones - the size of 6 cartons of orange juice! So we went through again and revised (down!) our "guess-timate"! I sure wouldn't want to put books or fabric in tea chest size boxes ... but i guess they've got trolleys and things! And hopefully will send some smaller boxes too .... previously they've delivered the boxes for us to use, so i spose they will again this time! And so this particualr saga continues, as I'm sure it will for another couple of months! Bye! XX

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