Sunday, October 15, 2006

Well we've been n gone n done it!

Well, we've started packing!! After lunch today Dad packed 5 boxes with the diaries, books, letters, slides etc we brought home from Granny n Grampa's before our holiday! So it's kinda funny .... we've got 5 boxes already - and haven't packed anything of "ours"! Dad also removed the wadding he stapled on the lounge wall 2 years ago as his design wall (that's never been used for designing, just for Tiger-clawing and bug hatching!) and we're stacking boxes along that wall as they're packed! Yesterday we completed the Inventory forms, stating how many of what pieces of furniture, and how many boxes .... well, how long is a piece of string??! We guess-timated 216, which is 27 cubic metres of space .... guess we'll find out in a couple of months how accurate or otherwise we've been! I've given Dad the Plan, Debbie and he'll see if he can scan it and Blog it ... we'll see how he goes! My very rough pencil sketch was actually quite accurate, so I did well! I think my next job is to go thro the Inventory form that Dad's about to email me, fill in our numbers and email it back to Allied Pickfords! So it all really is happening .... only 10 more services here for me (8 for Dad), and the last one will be Christmas morning ... that will be a bit strange - a bit of an anti-climax, probably! Anyway, hope you're all well, n not too busy! Enjoy school, Stu and Michael! Love you all Mum/Nanna

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