Monday, October 02, 2006

The results are in....

And for my first entry into the Loxton show, I am pleased to announce that in the flower catagory within the photography field, my image of a rose came first, and Rob's image of lavender came 4th (certificate of merit). Yippeee!!! (The images of the hibiscus and the daffodil are also our entries)

We did enter another 40 images that didnt turn up trumps, but its all fun! A massive thank you to Mum for doing the hard yards, and actually entering in our exhibits.

Quote of the day from Dad, after being asked if he won anything....
"Not this year.......!" so its game on again next year!

Sadly there seems to be no consistancy with the judging, so its hard to note what the judges are actually looking for in the exhibits.

A massive congratulations to Mum with her exhibits, but that is her story to tell :) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Cherie said...

Yes it will be great! Shame Michael wont be here to see his cousins :(, but we are looking forward to it :)