Monday, November 13, 2006

52 sleeps

Well we have some belongings in Victor!! Andrew rang Friday night to say the fellow was collecting our goods, and where did he have to take them! So I imagine by now they're all well and truly installed in storage at Victor, and we'll be "re-united" in a few weeks!
Saturday night we met Lyn and Jeff K at Barmera and had a lovely meal and evening together ... was very spur of the moment, but excellent .... sort of our first "goodbye"! They're good friends ... Jeff was one of Dad's referees, and said the Adare folk had asked is he good at taking time off - they don't want a work-a-holic!! Jeff was pretty stunned at that!! He's never heard of a church doing that before! Very encouraging .... altho I'm not sure if he told a porkie!! Mind you, Dad IS much better at taking time off than he has been before, so that's good!

Dad went out visiting yesterday and came home very snuffly and miserable - he plans to stay in bed today ... well, most of today - he has a meeting at the high school at 11, re chaplaincy, but will be home the rest of the time!
I plan to ring Allied Pickfords to see if they can confirm our moving date yet! And ask when we'll get our boxes! Will keep you posted!
We had some lovely rain yesterday, altho of course not enough to "break the drought"! But the gardens are certainly enjoying it ... still very black ominous looking sky today! But I'll hang my washing out anyway!
Take care! Love you all!

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