Monday, November 20, 2006

Guess where WE went today...?

Yup it was our turn to visit the hospital... Al was feeling very crook after his exam (I think a combination of stress, over tiredness, dehydration and having this cold for a week or so) so went straight to bed and unfortunately couldn't keep any fluids down. I managed to convince him it would be best to go over to the repat for some drugs and a drip before he felt any worse, and it was certainly easier to go at 4pm when Repat casualty was open and Jacob was still in care. Much better than taking two tired boys to Flinders and having to wait a few hours just to be seen! He went in after about 15 minutes and got a jab of maxalon in his butt, and didn't seem dehydrated enough to need a drip. He rested there and kept some water down and an hour and a half after we got there we went home! We picked up Jacob on the way home and Al went straight back to bed. He did get up for an hour or so a while ago and had something to eat and even managed to put Jacob to bed. He's in bed again now and i'm sure that after a good big sleep he'll be feeling heeeeeeaps better. So that's our drama for the day!

I think that might be enough for the hospital trips for this family for a while - don't anyone else get any ideas!

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