Friday, March 02, 2007

Things are happening!

Hi Honeys! Wonder how you're enjoying Clipsal, Rob Cherie and Michael?? And I hope you're feeling MUCH better Debbie and that you're all keeping away from hospitals this week! And I hope your tonsillitis is all gone now Heth, and that the rest of you are well!
We're well, and busy as usual .... off to lunch today "Let's do Lunch", Chew Chin Chow tomorrow night and lunch at church Sunday, as Pinnaroo folk are visiting for the weekend!
Several folk had expressed an interest in getting together for some stitching and fellowship, so yesterday I invited people to come, between about 10-4, and I was amazed and delighted .... 12 ladies came! They all seemed to enjoy it, and I certainly did too! We've decided to call ourselves "Sit and Stitch", and meet here 2nd and 4th Tuesdays! Most of the girls had projects on the go, that they just needed a bit of a prod to get on with, so it was a good day! A few needed some particular help to get started, and that was fine too! So I'm sure you'll all chuckle, that I've gone and done it again!!
Last Sat Bob and Ken came and helped Dad make up the 3 sets of lovely Ikea bookshelves the Parish has bought for the study, and Dad spent Wed moving things around! We eventually got the shelves into the study, and now there are less boxes in there .... but still some! And the shelves are full, of course! But it looks better than it did!
Look after yourselves, all of you! Love you all! Mum


Heth said...

LOL Glad it was good!
I am feeling much better thank you and luckily noone else seems to have picked it up. Al's back at Uni now so we're getting used to yet another routine, and today we all seemed to get up on the bright side of the bed (unlike yesterday).
Maybe Dad could take some shelves to his Church office? That certainly looked bland when I saw it! Glad things got sorted anyway ;)
Much love to all!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going very well for you guys down there :)

I have a killer sore throat, but I reckon thats only because I keep shouting "Rick Kelly" (Michael is quite over it!) LOL

OH yeah, umm Clipsal was pretty good.... ;)