Friday, June 22, 2007

Nearly July ... where's the year gone?!

I'm pleased the Blog will finally allow me to enter, at last! I've tried several times to comment and it insists I can't get in .... but I'm here now! Yesterday we went up and visited Granny, and were very pleased with how bright she is! She didn't know we were coming (Dad only decided late Wed) and was just so thrilled when she saw us there! She sends her love to everyone .... I'd love it if you could ring her and say g'day some time! She loves contact with you all! She'd enjoy hearing about footy, and skipping, and school and ballet and playgroup and everything that you're all doing! She now has a Patch each day for her angina medication, rather than just the spray under her tongue "as required", and that seems to be working well. She's a pretty incredible woman, and we're all very lucky to have her! (Don't forget her birthday 2/7/07!)

You kids all have some pretty amazing generous ancestors. I guess you realise Bella is 18 next week?? On Tuesday Grandad very kindly offered to pay for Heth and me (and Sam!) to go up for the party ...... how's that for spoiled??! We're very excited, and so are Rike and Peter and Bell!! We're going Jetstar, on Thursday morning (no flights available on Fri or Sat) and coming back Tuesday. As Heth said, it's all a bit surreal! We'd love to take you all with us, but that may be a bit awkward! The only fly in the ointment is that the party is to be at a Bar, and apparently there's NO WAY Sam will be allowed in!! I'm sure Heth and I can sort of "tag team" and walk him around outside or something .... it's only 2 1/2 hours of the total visit, but disappointing, since that's the very reason we're going!! But never mind! Grandad's pleased to be able to help some of the family visit, and he's sure giving a lot of joy, not only to Heth and me, but to Rike and Peter and Bell, as well!

Natalie I'm pleased you're having a good day skipping today (love the photos!); Michael, I hope footy goes well tomorrow; Calvin, I hope you're having fun .... is it Care today?? and Jacob and Sam, I hope you're having fun with Dorothy!
Love you all Nanna/Gramma/Mum

1 comment:

Cherie said...

Glad to hear that Granny is on the up at the moment.

You are indeed VERY lucky to be visitng Bella on her 18th, we have chatted about it for months, and it sounds like she has a fantastic party planned. I have never been so sad to recieve an invite in the mail.

Be sure to give her a massive hug for me and say a big hey to Em for me also.