Monday, June 18, 2007

Nice to get affirmation

I got an email this afternoon to tell me that I've won a place in HeadsUp21. This is a program run by DECS for aspiring leaders (more info at is quite hard to get into. I had to write a 4 page application which addressed a set of criteria, and they spoke to my Principal and asked him if I was the real deal, and then after that they offered me a place.

The program is desirable because it consists of a two day residential component at Whalers Inn (Victor Harbor), another day in August, and then another during November, all of which are fully funded by DECS. They also provide work shadowing opportunities with an experienced principal, as well as administering a 360 degree Leadership Feeback survey about me with people I work with. It's designed for potential future principals.

I applied a few weeks ago and have been waiting to here if I was successful. This means that I'll be in Victor Harbor on July 16 and 17.

I also preached for the first time, and the feedback from that was pretty good. If you're interested you can read my notes on our old blog. (The one listed in the links on the right as Deb and Stu's blog.)

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