Monday, December 11, 2006

What is happening at Christmas???

Hey there,

Can anyone please tell me what is happening at Christmas? I have my family jumping up and down at me as no one has told me what we are up to! They want to have something here, and I need to organise it quickly, so any input would be most appreciated!

Also there was talk of a Kitto Christmas, is this still going ahead?


Off to process some orders, what a change doing overtime! :(


nannakaren said...

We've been trying to find out about Christmas too! You're aware we're having lunch Christmas day at Heth's ... aren't you?! Grandad and Stu n Deb n us n Heth n Al, n you we hope! I've had an email this afternoon, which i fwded to you all, from Elwyn, about Boxing Day at Gladstone, so I assume Boxing day at Maria and Andrew's is "on"! ... for those who can get there!
We hope to see you all in a fortnight!

Cherie said...

Didnt get an email from you today and no didnt know it was a lunch at Heather's either. I'll have to get back to you and see what my family have planned as Doug has problems with an evening 'taxi' and of course its hard getting Gema out and about at any time but night is hard to co-ordinate with a 91 year old! I might see if we can do it Christmas eve - again! Anyway I'll get back to you...

Kitto Christmas sounds fine but if you can send me the email that would be great :)

nannakaren said...

That sounds fair enough to me ... we'll be there for lunch and tea tho Heth!

Heth said...

OK we'll do what we're told! :P We'll also be here for lunch and tea (and breakfast as well!) so if tea's better that's cool.

Cherie said...

Cool thanks for that, I'll speak to the olds and let you know

Cherie said...

Oh hang on just had a thought, what about Granddad?? It isnt Christmas without him around so what are his plans?

Heth said...

i'm sure Grandad will be here too :)

Cherie said...

For lunch and dinner?

nannakaren said...

I expect that can be arranged!