Saturday, June 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Daddy

That's what we sang this morning (and tonight!) as we celebrated Al's Birthday. I think he had a good day as he commented. We couldn't find his pressie at Harbour Town (overalls - found some but they were all the wrong size and for some reason he didn't want white ones!) but enjoyed browsing for a while (well... Mum and I did!). Of course Gloria Jean's Coffee is always a nice treat, then we came home and at 6pm had yummy Black Forest Cake I'd made this morning, and enjoyed our yummy roast dinner at 6:45! A bit backwards but yummy anyway and Jacob seemed to enjoy his 2 min noodles. Al also got some more stuff done in the shed which is always good ;) Tomorrow night we're going Gold Class to see The Da Vinci Code which will be lovely! Using the gift vouchers I got for mother's day to celebrate Al's birthday is just extending the joy. Seeing we're both not on the roster tomorrow night (very rare but very good) we'll be able to duck out early and easily. Al will be at church all morning, then staying for BBQ lunch with the UC President at Ashley's, so it's been lovely to have a nice day together today. And tonight...? Just a quiet one sorting out stuff for tomorrow and reading and watching Superman 3!
(Sorry but blogger's being a bit stupid and not loading photos for me at the moment so I'll try again tomorrow)

1 comment:

Cherie said...

Happy Birthday!

Sorry would have posted a more creative entry yesterday to be on time, but Rob and I were kind of in veg mode last night and avoided computers as we were all pretty tired from working most of yesterday - yes I got roped into working too!

Michael almost got a job working yesterday too, they were that desperate for workers! I assured him that after 5 minutes he would have got pretty bored! Also it would have scared me that he was earning that much money already!! Just imagine the beanie kids that would have bought....